OCTOBER 13, 2010

The Union Village Board met in regular session on October 13, 2010.  The meeting was called to order at 7:12 p.m. at the ALA Hall.  The Open Meeting Laws were displayed.  On roll call: T. McClane, Chipman, and Brown present. J. McClane and Kahland were absent.

Chipman motioned to add New Agenda item E., Discussion of Seriously Delinquent Utility Accounts and item F., West Nile Prevention Grant Disbursement.  2nd by Brown.  By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: T. McClane – Aye, Chipman – Aye, Brown- Aye.  Motion approved.

Minutes of September 8th Board Meeting and September 16th Special Meeting were reviewed.  Brown motioned to approve September 16th minutes as is and September 8th minutes with the change of McClane’s vote to “Nay” for the approval of Boardmember Brown to sign Weeping Water Valley Resolution in McClane’s staid.  2nd by Chipman. .  By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: T. McClane – Aye, Chipman – Aye, Brown- Aye.  Motion approved.
Claims and Accounts were presented.  Noted accounts were discussed for payment.  Chipman made a motion to approve payment of listed accounts. 2nd by Brown.  By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: T. McClane – Aye, Chipman – Aye, Brown- Aye.   Motion approved.


NPPD           FIREBARN*  $     104.22 
BALLFIELD**  $       58.33  
WATER PUMP  $     478.83  
FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG)  $       17.89  
TOWER  (WATER)  $       19.04 
TRAFFIC LIGHT  $       17.89 
AREA LIGHT RENTAL  $         9.21  
STREETLIGHTS  $     435.52  
SEWER PUMP  $       73.22  
ALA HALL  $       46.93 
WINDSTREAM  OFFICE  $       57.63 
WINDSTREAM  FIRE  $       87.46 
COLUMBUS TELEGRAM  $       63.00    Budget Hearing Notice 
ALLIED RECYCLING  $    1231.55   Monthly Trash Service  
ALLIED RECYCLING  $     381.10    Village Cleanup, UU 190.55  
LOAN  $      265.64   RESCUE SQUAD 
LOAN  $      618.44   STREET/SEWER   
STEVE HEYEN  $      886.30   SEPT PAY 
JOHNSON’S GAS N GO  $      355.48   GAS MOWER,TRUCK & UVFR 80.18 
US TREASURY   $      800.00   IRS PAYMENT 
GP ONE CALL  $          1.01   DIGGER’S HOTLINE 
US TREASURY  $      786.27   Q3 WH TAX PAYMENT 
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬RIC ORTMEIER                      $    1077.00   ANNUAL BUDGET PREP AND MILEAGE


The village received correspondence from DHHS for Non-Acute Coliform Violations for October testing.  The Board asked if bleach was added to the water supply prior to testing.  Heyen responded that the chemical pump is not working and that he is unsure of how much chlorine needs to be added to correct problem.  Hardbarger talked to our contact at DHHS, Roger Rhylander and he wanted us to talk to the Rural Water Board for ideas.
Heyen shared that when Bill Bescheinen complained of an oily film and discoloration in his water,  originally he had thought the malfunctioning pump was causing problems, but the pump has been on automatic for the past couple of months and running effectively. 

Continental Western/Union Insurance notified the village of the cancellation of the clerk’s fidelity bond as of November 8, 2010.  Miller Monroe, in light of the cancellation, requested a credit check on the clerk’s family to start the process of having a new insurance carrier issue the clerk bond.  Clerk has contacted Jeff Clymer at Ball Insurance to see if his company will issue the clerk bond.  Mr. Clymer suggested increasing the dishonesty clause in the error and omissions coverage from $10,000 to $22,000 to cover USDA bonding requirements.  Mr. Clymer is getting us a quote on the change.

NPPD has notified the village of increase of electricity rates.

USDA has requested the village’s annual income, expense and budget sheets for FY 09-10 and FY 10-11 and information on Wastewater and water accounts by November 30, 2010.

United Fire Group has notified the village of the receipt of our claim. In the claim process, under our current policy through Continental Western, the village has had to exhaust all other periods of coverage.  Under Miller Monroe, our Error and Omissions policies were carried through various companies, and each claim needed to be filed within the policy’s coverage period, which is usually 60 days, and these claims have been denied.  Through Ball Insurance, our Error and Omissions coverage has a rider policy that covers the past 5 years, but Continental Western requires us to file claims on the past policies before they will consider paying our claim.

The State of Nebraska Department of Roads requests involvement of non-metro officials support and input on Long Range Transportation Plans and State Transportation Improvement Program.

The Clerk’s Report: 

The village has not received word on whether the IRS has accepted our installment agreement.

FY10-11 Budget has been filed with the County and the State. 

The FEMA Floodplain management NFIP deadline is November 26th.  Clerk will get with the Floodplain Manager, T. McClane, to work on this.

The Village Maintenance report: was given by Heyen.   The village pumped 1,093,000  gallons of water in the month of September.  Our estimates in the past were based on 28 gallons pumped per hour.  With the new meter installed, it is clear that we are pumping at a rate of 50 gallons per hour. The lift station ran for 4.7 hours.

Heyen contacted a representative who gave a quote on new meters that use a wand to read them digitally from the outside of the residences.  Each meter will cost $98 including digital cap that the digital wand can read.  The wand will cost an additional $600.  The system is manufactured by Neptune.  The village has installed at least 3 types of meters in the residences and is unsure of how many, if any are Neptune and  compatible with this system.  Total cost for equipment for 104 residences is around $11,000.

Bill Bescheinen brought up that while fighting a fire in the village, the water pressure dropped to a level that interfered with the ability to put the fire out.  Heyen explained that it is possible that if the pumps are on automatic the tower can drain and stop the pumps from running.  It takes the snubber valve 24 hours to get back up to pressure with large water volume usage.  He suggested that if there is a fire in town, the pumps should be turned on manually to keep constant pressure in the tank.

The Village Maintenance Truck has two broken brake lines that need to be repaired before winter.

Heyen delivered two sets of water samples to Lincoln and has submitted his gas receipts.

Heyen used a camera to look at the Wiysel building water shutoff valve in preparation for  repair.  He also used the camera to view problems with a leak at the Loring’s water main and assisted in its repair.

Fire and Rescue reported 9 Rescue calls and 1 Fire and Rescue call since last meeting.  All sirens are in working order.  Louise Stewart briefed that the rescue squad door was repaired for a total of $153.95.

Ms. Stewart reported a new EMT volunteer.  He is a Navy recruiter and the Navy will  pay for his training.  Ms. Stewart will have a contract at the next meeting.  DANKO will be present at the next Fire and Rescue meeting so they can order new equipment.  They estimate a need for at least 3 new sets of Fire gear at a cost of $1000.00 each to be split between the Fire Department, the Rural Board and the Village.

The radio in the Rescue Squad is not working properly and they have scheduled an appointment to have it looked at and repaired.

The Current Roster for the Fire and Rescue Squad was read in for Workers Comp Insurance purposes:

Bescheinen William J
Bescheinen William L
Brazzle Deirdre L
Brown Andy 
Brown Gaille C
Brown Robert L
Espinosa Sandra J
Hathaway Larry L
Heim Bryson J
Heyen Steven W
Hoeft Brent 
Jakub Jeremy 
Johnson Scott 
Kennedy Robert J
Knapp Corinne S
Smith Nicholas J
Stewart Louise A
Swanson Frank E
Tellez Antonio H
Vande Hoef Brad E
Old Business

The repeated coliform issues in the public water supply are being researched.  Chipman suggested to have Heyen trained as an Class IV water operator so he can tend to the water treatment.  Clerk will schedule him for the next available class.

Roger Rhylander from DHHS has suggested we coordinate with Rural Water to treat our water supply.

The Village’s complaint against Deb McWha was filed on September 29th and the papers served on October 4th.  The complaint is pending litigation.

T. McClane said that Meri Meredith called him upset about the village decision to file a lawsuit against Deb McWha.  She defended her by saying that she doesn’t deserve this after all the good she has done for the village.  Brown asked why the accountant and/or the village’s legal representative never noticed the discrepancies.

New Business

Amy Seyler turned over the Park Board’s receipts for Union Daze to the clerk as requested.  Ms. Seyler still has the money bag with some other receipts and cash that she will turn over when she gets a chance.  The clerk has gone over the receipts and there is still a couple hundred dollars in expenses unaccounted for which she thinks can be reconciled with the last few receipts and cash.  It is still difficult to account for auction proceeds without the records on the crashed hard drive.  Union Daze made very little profit, if any.

The Health Board, by ordinance, is required to have three members.  The Chairman of the Village Board acts as Chairman of the Health Board and appoints 2 other members.  Dwain Hardbarger has been appointed in Lily Wolfe’s relocation and Amy Seyler has too much going on in her life to do her duties.  Paul Vidlak said he would be willing to serve on the Health Board in her place.  Chairman McClane appointed Paul Vidlak as the 3rd member of the Health Board.  McClane will schedule a meeting within the next few days.

Bill Bescheinen asked if members had to have some kind of medical background.  The ordinance authorizes anyone the chairman appoints.  The Health Board’s function is to monitor sanitation, building safety and nuisance issues and enforce these issues.

The President of Union United, Inc., Debbie Vidlak was present to request permission to hold a fall fundraiser on behalf of the non-profit group.  The goal is to spark community spirit, awareness of Union United, Inc. and family unity.  The group plans to have a “haunted” hayrack ride that will bring the passengers to the caboose, the jailhouse, a local barn and a farmhouse, all decorated in the spirit of Halloween.  Each site will have treats for the kids.  Admission will be $1 per person.  The ride will start at the pavilion and end with a bonfire in the gravel by the pavilion.

Brown motioned to approve the event.  2nd by Chipman.  By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: T. McClane – Aye, Chipman – Aye, Brown- Aye.   Motion approved.

Ms. Vidlak also briefed the Board on the Park Beautification Project.   The general concept of the plan is to landscape and retree the park area and build a gazebo.  Union United has already raised $6000.00 in the past few months.  She praised her group as hardworkers that deserve community support.  She requested that Union United be put on the regular board meeting agenda so the Board and the community can get regular updates.  The group has applied for grant funding through the Re-Tree Nebraska Initiative whose primary goal is environment education.  With the help of Rick Halfield, at Mr. Landscape, blue prints and cost estimates have been made for the project.  In accordance with the grant, 75% of the trees used will be large and maturing trees.  25% will be ornamentals, shrubs, grasses etc.  The group’s goal is to add color and interest to the park area.  Blue Spruces have been added to the North side of the area for a windbreak.  In the future of the project, Union United will need assistance from the Board to work with local ordinances governing the parks, plumbing, electricity, Floodplain etc.  Chipman motioned to approve the Union United, Inc. Park Beautification plans to build a gazebo and plant, in accordance with local ordinances and floodplain regulations.  2nd by Brown. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: T. McClane – Aye, Chipman – Aye, Brown- Aye.   Motion approved.

Several years ago, the Board discussed requiring delinquent accounts to pay 10% of the arears plus current charges .  The Board decided on 5% plus the current charges.  Presently the village has over 18 accounts in seriously delinquent status.  The “over 90 days” delinquent category totals $4287.00.

Chipman discussed putting together a small committee to meet with delinquent utility customers and come up with a payment plan that meets the needs of the customer and the village.  Given the state of the economy, the village needs to come up with a way to work with the people, but the village budget is based on collecting 95% of utility charges.  Residents do not seem to be making the village a priority. 

If residents are uncooperative and the village has to dig up curb-stops to shut off service, the required reconnection fee will need to be around $600.00, or as much as it takes to fix the shut-off.  In the past, Elmer Henderson got a group together to collect on water bills.  They either paid their bill or had their water shut off.  Other small communities need to be contacted for ideas on handling this escalating problem.

Nebraska City gives customers 90 days to get bill current or service is cut.  Heyen is to come up with a cost estimate to repair all non-working shut-off valves.

Chipman tabled this item until more information is gathered.

The West Nile Prevention Grant for $500.00 was awarded to the Village of Union for tire collection during the Union United Clean Up and Green Up event.  Less than half was invoiced to transport collected tires to recycle site.  The grant administrator will be called to see if the village can use the rest of the grant for other West Nile Prevention purposes.

Chipman motioned to adjourn at 9:39 pm.  2nd by Brown.  By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: T. McClane – Aye, Chipman – Aye, Brown- Aye.   Motion approved.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 10, 2010.

Terry McClane