Does your family have a preparedness plan? Do your neighbors? Have you included
your pets in your plan, if you had to relocate for a few days or weeks? How about your
business, do you have a Continuity of Operations Plan that will keep service to your
customers functioning? Do you run a family based or center based child?care program?
How thorough is your plan? Have you shared it with all the parents so they know what
to expect?
Sarpy/Cass Health Department has guidance and templates to address these concerns.
New this year are templates for child care providers that meet new licensure
regulations! Even if you have plans you may want to review them and there may be
some things you can do that you had not considered. On the health department
website you will find links to templates and plans
on the homepage and in its own section under the Preparedness tab. Or you can call
Nancy Braswell at 402?339?4334 (ext. 202) with questions and further guidance. Nancy
is also available to give presentations to your faith?based or civic organizations. Don’t
hesitate to call with a request.
Remember, preparedness is not driven by fear, but by commitment to yourself, your
family, your community.
For more information, contact: Nancy Braswell, Emergency Response Coordinator, 402?339?
4334 x202;