October 14, 2009

The Union Village Board met in regular session on Oct, 14, 2009.  The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. at the ALA Hall.  The Open Meeting Laws were displayed.  On roll call: T. McClane, Kahland, Brown, Chipman and J. McClane.  City Attorney was not present because of her resignation.  Elmer Henderson asked that we consider recording open meetings, if possible, for future meetings.  Board in agreement.
Announcement made by T. McClane that the Board of Directors interviewed 17 applicants and has appointed Melissa Hansen as Village Clerk.  Melissa Hansen took Oath of Office.

Minutes of previous meeting were reviewed and were approved.  A motion was made by Chipman and 2nd by J. McClane,  Trustee votes are follows: T. McClane – Aye, Kahland – Aye, Brown – Aye, Chipman – Aye, J. McClane – Aye.  Motion approved.

An abbreviated version of Claims and Accounts were presented due to the fact that previous clerk was unable to access information to prepare report after Sep. 30, 2009. Noted accounts were discussed for payment and Fire and Rescue agreed to wait for reimbursement until next month when new clerk can prepare a complete report.  Chipman made a motion to approve payment of listed accounts.  2nd by J. McClane.  Trustee votes are follows: T. McClane – Aye, Kahland – Aye, Brown – Aye, Chipman – Aye, J McClane – Aye.  Motion approved.  Steve McWha inquired about his and Deb McWha’s September salary.  Chipman made a motion to approve payment of  their salaries.  2nd by Brown.  Trustee votes are follows: T. McClane – Aye, Kahland – Aye, Brown – Aye, Chipman – Aye, J McClane – Aye.

OCT 14, 2009

NPPD           FIREBARN*     $       73.84    
AREA LIGHT RENTAL     $       17.76     
BALLFIELD**     $       50.11     
WATER PUMP     $     406.01     
FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG)     $       16.32     
NEW TOWER  (WATER)     $       16.32     
TRAFFIC LIGHT     $       16.32     
AREA LIGHT RENTAL     $         7.28     
STREETLIGHTS     $     394.95     
NEW SEWER PUMP     $       56.88     
ALA HALL     $       32.85    
LINWELD     $       81.95   MEDICAL SUPPLIES    
NE PUBLIC HEALTH ENV LAB     $       22.00   WATER TESTS    
ALLIED REFUSE     $     1167.17     
WINDSTREAM  OFFICE     $       63.89     
WINDSTREAM  FIRE     $       86.30     
DEB MCWHA      $     572.95   SALARY    
JOHNSONS GAS N GO     $         0.00    
STEVE MCWHA     $  1,301.03   SALARY    
EMP INC     $     170.18   FIRE/RESCUE SUPPLIED    
A & M GREEN POWER     $      110.53   TRACTOR PARTS    

Two letters of correspondence were discussed.  First, a letter from Deb McWha explained that the county sold a tax certificate to US Bank for village lagoon ground supposedly in tax arrears.  We purchased it back and Cass County has agreed to reimburse us because the land is tax exempt.  Second, a letter was received from Tom Meyer withdrawing his request to put a meat processing plant in Union, determining the site unsuitable for his needs.

The Village Manager’s report included the water usage of 858,000 gallons, an average of 28,600 gallons per day. Water test results were good.  The sewer pumps ran for 67.25 hours, and average of 2.24 hours per day.  Cache was fine.  The lift station lid was accidentally left unlatched and the wind caused damage to the shock absorbers.  McWha ordered new shocks and bolts to fix the lid costing approximately $120.00.  Lift Station running fine.  

Brett Anderson with DEQ suggested we change our lagoon permit from controlled discharge to a retention permit.  This requires flow and affluent testing to be done in a 24- hour period to determine retention feasibility.  This report would then be sent to JEO and then to the State for final approval.  Steve contacted Midwest Laboratories and got a quote on the testing procedures.  It will cost $585.00 for the testing and $40.00 for the analysis.  Field representative doesn’t find any reason that Union lagoons wouldn’t qualify for the retention permit now that the meat processing plant is no longer a consideration.  

Steve reported that the brush and weeds around the lagoons need to be cut back.  The Automated Pump house for the water tower is over 30 years old, was never well-maintained, and currently runs manually requiring Steve to inspect the operations twice per day.  Although pump is running fine for the time being, Steve reports that it needs to be upgraded and estimates the cost at $10,000.  Chipman has requested an estimate and a cost analysis for replacement of the pump house.  
Elmer Henderson commented that he would like to have Steve McWha continue to maintain the water and sewer systems until spring and possibly move snow on an hourly wage.  Steve wants to continue water and sewer responsibilities, until we get someone trained and certified, on an hourly basis and will consider snow removal.
A remote alarm system by phone line for the pump house was discussed.  Concern came up about the ability of our generator to run the pump house if necessary.  
Steve discussed the lift station and the possibility of overflow. He stated that Union has 2 days before overflow and that very few homes would be affected if it did.

Fire and Rescue reported 2 non-fire rescue calls at 2 residences.  For insurance purposes the fire and rescue roster will be included in the meeting minutes starting this month.  

Bill Bescheinen     Will Bescheinen         Gaille Brown                 Andy Brown           
Frank  Swanson     Robert Brown        Tony Tellez                Jim McClane
Rob Kennedy             DeeDee Brazel    Louise Stewart    Bryson Heim
Larry Hathaway    Sandy Espinosa    Joseph Bower        Frank Arcadi
Cori Knapp        Jeremy Jakub

EMT classes were not held last month as planned.  The requirement for 8 enrollees was not met.  Union has 3 members requiring certification.  They are working on getting the class scheduled later in the month of October.

Park Board reports they are working on planning a hayride and/or haunted house for Oct. 30 contingent on finances.  It was brought up that the public would like to know what fundraisers are used for which projects.  The park board also reports they are very close to being able to purchasing park equipment with the fundraisers that have already been held.  Grants were suggested as another way to raise money and the board referred them to the Grant Committee.

The Tom Meyer proposal has been denied a building permit by the Union Planning Commission and Tom Meyer has withdrawn his request to put a meat processing plant in the village.  A motion was made by Dave Chipman to hear more from the Union Planning Commission at the next meeting. 2nd by Gaille Brown. Trustee votes are follows: T. McClane – Aye, Kahland – Aye, Brown – Aye, Chipman – Aye, J McClane – Aye.

The Union Volunteer Fire and Rescue ordered new radios.  They submitted a letter requesting the village to pay for 1/3 of the new equipment cost.  Dave Chipman made a motion to approve $767.67 to be paid to the Fire and Rescue Dec. 1, 2009.  Karen Kahland 2nd.  Trustee votes are follows: T. McClane – Aye, Kahland – Aye, Brown – Aye, Chipman – Aye, J McClane – Aye.

The Newsletter did not make deadline this month due to A-1 Printing not preparing it on time.  The newsletter will be prepared and distributed week beginning Oct 19,2009.  

Questions were brought up about applying for a Bulk Mailing permit to defray costs of mailing the newsletter.  Suggestions were made to divide the initial and yearly costs between the different village groups that would benefit from bulk mailing.

A motion was made by Chipman to separate monies acquired through fundraising by the Parks and Recreation Committee from the village general fund.  This way everyone can see how much money has been raised for a particular project and the money doesn’t get spent on anything but what it was designated for.  2nd by Kahland.  Trustee votes are follows: T. McClane – Aye, Kahland – Aye, Brown – Aye, Chipman – Aye, J McClane – Aye.

Tax Resolution 2009, Ordinance 2009-001, 2009-002 and 2009-003 which were adopted during Sep 20009 Board Meeting signed by chairman and clerk.

Brown motioned to adjourn meeting at 8:50.  2nd by Kahland.  Trustee votes are follows: T. McClane – Aye, Kahland – Aye, Brown – Aye, Chipman – Aye, J McClane – Aye.

Next regular board meeting scheduled for Nov 11, 2009 at 7:00 pm at the ALA Hall.

Terry McClane