NOVEMBER 23, 2009

The Union Village Board met in special session on Nov. 23, 2009.  The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Union Office.  On roll call: T. McClane, Brown & Chipman.  J. McClane and Kahland were absent.  Steve McWha was present to discuss his salary.

Steve McWha was asked by the board to give a brief description of the water and sewer tasks he will be doing through the end of March 2010.  In brief, he will manually turn water pumps on and off each day and physically check that water has made it to the first meter in the pumping station.  He will verify there are no leaks or frozen pipes, and fix them if present.  He will check lift station 2 times per day and make sure floats come up in the wet well so stations fill properly.  If necessary, he will manually remove blockages away from floats.  He will continue to gather samples and remit to NPHEL for monthly, quarterly and yearly tests, depending on the requirement for that time period.  He will be on call 24 hours in case a problem arises with water or sewer systems.

Motion to approve Steve McWha’s salary at $750.00 per month, minus deductions, was made by Chipman, 2nd by Brown. Trustee votes are as follows: T. McClane – Aye, Chipman – Aye, Brown – Aye.  Kahland and  J. McClane were absent.  Motion approved.

Brown made the motion to adjourn at 8:46pm, 2nd by Chipman. Trustee votes are as follows: T. McClane – Aye, Chipman – Aye, Brown – Aye. Kahland and  J. McClane absent.  Motion approved.