APRIL 5, 2011
The Union Village Board met in special session on April 5, 2011 to hold a public nuisance hearing. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger, Jr., Vidlak, Chipman and Brown. Kahland was absent.
Chipman motioned to open the public hearing. 2nd by Brown. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
The Health Board, after their inspection, recommended 9 properties owned by William J. Bescheinen to be declared nuisances, in accordance with Village Ordinance 2-602.
Chairman Hardbarger, Jr. read the Health Board findings for Property One, locally known as the former schoolhouse and addressed the public to come forward with any reason to not declare this property as a nuisance.
William J. Bescheinen commented that, previously, the Board said that he could do whatever he wanted with this property as long as it was fenced, gated and locked. He stated that the Village has just caught on to recycling, yet he has been in the recycling business for years.
Chipman stated that he has gone through the meeting minutes as far back as 1998, and has not seen any motion to the like. He also noted that this property wasn’t even completely fenced in.
Chipman motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-2, adopting the findings of the Village of Union Health Board report, dated April 2, 2011. 2nd by Vidlak. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
Hardbarger, Jr. read the Health Board findings for Property Two, locally known as the land adjacent to the former schoolhouse and addressed the public to come forward with any reason to not declare this property as a nuisance.
No comment noted.
Chipman motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-3, adopting the findings of the Village of Union Health Board report, dated April 2, 2011. 2nd by Vidlak. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
Hardbarger, Jr. read the Health Board findings for Property Three, locally known as the land behind the former schoolhouse and addressed the public to come forward with any reason to not declare this property as a nuisance.
Mr. Bescheinen remarked to Trustee Chipman that he must not like any businesses in Union. He is running a construction business and the stuff stored in and around the schoolhouse properties are part of his business. He also stated that somebody trespassed to take the pictures that were presented by the Health Board. Chipman replied that he took the pictures himself and did not trespass.
Chipman motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-4, adopting the findings of the Village of Union Health Board report, dated April 2, 2011. 2nd by Vidlak. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
Hardbarger, Jr. read the Health Board findings for Property Four, locally known as the former Laudromat and addressed the public to come forward with any reason to not declare this property as a nuisance.
Mr. Bescheinen stated that the big trailer behind the property is storage and that it is kept locked.
Chipman motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-5, adopting the findings of the Village of Union Health Board report, dated April 2, 2011. 2nd by Vidlak. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
Hardbarger, Jr. read the Health Board findings for Property Five, locally known as the former feedstore and addressed the public to come forward with any reason to not declare this property as a nuisance.
Mr. Bescheinen commented that that building needs to come down and that he will get it cleaned out. Chipman asked him if he was going to tear it down and Bescheinen replied that the Village could tear it down. Chipman told him that the Village would not tear it down.
Chipman motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-6, adopting the findings of the Village of Union Health Board report, dated April 2, 2011. 2nd by Vidlak. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
Hardbarger, Jr. read the Health Board findings for Property Six, with a local address of 125 West Main St. and addressed the public to come forward with any reason to not declare this property as a nuisance.
Mr. Bescheinen commented that what the Village Board considers junk, is spare parts for his construction equipment. Chipman asked about the old café floor and the scrap iron behind the building. Bescheinen stated that the café floor was behind 123 West Main. Chipman commented that he thought it was behind both properties.
Chipman motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-7, adopting the findings of the Village of Union Health Board report, dated April 2, 2011. 2nd by Vidlak. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
Hardbarger, Jr. read the Health Board findings for Property Seven, with a local address of 123 West Main St. and addressed the public to come forward with any reason to not declare this property as a nuisance.
Mr. Bescheinen stated that there are no automobiles behind that property and all the iron is racked up.
Chipman motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-8, adopting the findings of the Village of Union Health Board report, dated April 2, 2011. 2nd by Vidlak. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
Hardbarger, Jr. read the Health Board findings for Property Eight, locally known as the old county building and addressed the public to come forward with any reason to not declare this property as a nuisance.
No comments noted.
Chipman motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-9, adopting the findings of the Village of Union Health Board report, dated April 2, 2011. 2nd by Brown. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
Hardbarger, Jr. read the Health Board findings for Property Nine, with a local address of 111 Rock St. and addressed the public to come forward with any reason to not declare this property as a nuisance.
Mr. Bescheinen commented that the lot behind the house is zoned agricultural. He has logs back there because he is splitting them for firewood that he puts up for sale. Bescheinen restated that the Board seems to not want businesses in Union.
Chipman motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-10, adopting the findings of the Village of Union Health Board report, dated April 2, 2011. 2nd by Vidlak. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
Judy Attebury asked to be heard. She said to Mr. Bescheinen that the Board isn’t running him out of town or wanting to close his business. Ms. Attebury stated that the Village can’t attract any other businesses with all the mess. We want to bring new businesses in. She suggested Bescheinen come up with a written timetable and the Board would probably work with him.
Bescheinen replied that he wants to keep a lot of the parts and things he has acquired, but the Board won’t let him do what he wants with his own property.
Ms. Attebury replied that the Board just wants his properties cleaned up and his stuff stored properly.
Bescheinen stated that he has been hauling his unwanted items away.
John Bescheinen commented that the Village’s empty lot on Main Street is a nuisance and that the East wall is caving in. The Village should clean up their mess first.
Melissa Hansen commented to John Bescheinen that his property always looks so well- maintained and organized, and that perhaps, he should assist his brother in getting some of his properties organized.
When John Bescheinen asked why he should, Mrs. Hansen replied that Bill is his brother and could use his help right now.
Chipman motioned to close the hearing at 7:48 p.m. 2nd by Brown. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
Chipman motioned to adjourn at 7:52 p.m. 2nd by Vidlak. By roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger, Jr. – Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Chipman-Aye, and Brown-Aye. Kahland was absent. Motion carried.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 13, 2011. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at The Village Office, The Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office.
Dwain Hardbarger, Jr.
These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate.