The Union Village Board met in regular session on January 11, 2012 and was called to order at 7:49pm.  The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference.  On roll call:  Hardbarger – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Brown – Aye.

Minutes of the December 14th Board Meeting were reviewed. Ms. Stewart asked that the radio upgrade cost share amount be corrected from 3 to 2 ways.  Vidlak motioned to approve the December 14, 2011 Meeting Minutes with change noted.  2nd by Brown.  By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Brown – Aye.  Motion approved. 

Claims and Accounts were presented.  Vidlak motioned to approve January Claims and Accounts.  2nd by Brown.  Trustee votes are as follows: By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Brown – Aye.  Motion approved. 

CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS JANUARY 2012 NPPD           FIREBARN*  $       83.48  WATER PUMP  $     379.62   FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG)  $       31.52   TOWER  (WATER)  $       20.16  TRAFFIC LIGHT  $       20.00  AREA LIGHT RENTAL  $       12.24   STREETLIGHTS  $     539.43   SEWER PUMP  $       65.06  BALLFIELD  $       44.74  ALA HALL  $       31.40  MEESKE ACE HARDWARE  $      104.85   FLORESCENT BULBS/OFFICE  WINDSTREAM  OFFICE  $        60.10  WINDSTREAM  FIRE  $        90.88  MELISSA HANSEN   $      686.86   DEC PAY  GREAT PLAINS ONE CALL  $          1.01   DIGGERSHOTLINE  LOAN  $      265.64   RESCUE SQUAD  LOAN  $      618.44   STREET/SEWER    STEVE HEYEN  $      927.59   DEC PAY  JOHNSON’S GAS N GO  $      344.10   RESCUE SQUAD 100.90  LEE ENTERPRISES  $       60.50    PROPERTY AD/MINUTES PUB  NPHEL  $       10.00    WATER TESTS  JOURNAL STAR  $     134.20    COMMERCIAL PROP AD  CASSGRAM  $       52.00    COMMERCIAL PROP AD  MURRAY REPAIR  $    453.79    RESCUE SQUAD BATTERIES  UTILITY SVC CO  $   1890.65   TOWER MAINTENANCE CONTRACT  UNION RESCUE  $   1000.00   JAWS OF LIFE PAYMENT 

$  7,928.10        JANUARY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $63,830.67        GENERAL FUND BALANCE, AS OF JANUARY 10, 2012


NEWARN requested that we consider a mutual aid agreement for emergencies. USDA sent their yearly report for 2011. NE Emergency Management is releasing our last payment for Disaster 1878 in the amount of $960.22.  The Village received an email from Mr. Wayne Clark requesting that the Board consider purchasing the supplies to repaint the Fire Bay Doors.  He has volunteered his time to do some of the work. EMS Billing sent a renewal packet. One item the village needs to consider with the Rescue Dept. is a rate increase.  They sent an industry range of rates to look over.  Also, per NE Statute 35-901, we need to send documentation that the village, as the taxing authority, is supporting the department with a majority vote for services in 2012.  They can’t solicit, charge, or collect funds, fees or charges without it.

Clerk Report:  The Bescheinen lawsuit is still in appeal. 

The Village Maintenance report: was given by Heyen.  The village pumped 1,167,000 gallons of water and the lift station ran for about 4.9 hours per day, 152 hours for the month.

Heyen hauled 2 loads of scrap metal to be recycled, worked on the starter on the F-250.  He has been trimming trees and cleaning. He made a burn pile for the village maintenance out by the lagoons.  He also found a brand new meter in storage that tracks hours of pumping.

A tube failed on the chlorine pump.  Heyen needs to purchase new spare. The lift station alarmed and Heyen had to clear the station.  Someone had flushed a mop head. 

Fire and Rescue report given by Louise Stewart.

Sirens tested OK.  There was 3 Rescue and 0 Fire calls reported for the month.  Rescue Squad is back in service.

Jim Johnson was present and asked that members of the Board meet with his Rural Fire Board at their next meeting, 3rd Thursday of the month, to clarify the Village’s relationship and responsibilities to the Volunteer Fire Department.

Union United Inc. report was given by Debbie Vidlak.  The group is beginning to plan for the village’s 125th Anniversary Celebration.  This event will be in conjunction with the Alumni Banquet and Union Daze, June 1, 2 and 3rd.  The group is applying for grants through Cass County Tourism and Nebraska Tourism to help fund marketing.

NEW BUSINESS Vidlak motioned to adopt Village of Union Resolution 12-1, assessing fines against Larry and Matthew Wiysel pursuant to Village of Union Ordinance 2-604 for the Wiysel’s failure to abate nuisances as directed in Resolution 2011-13. 2nd by Brown.  By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Brown – Aye.  Motion approved. 

Vidlak motioned for the Village of Union to file a lawsuit against Larry and Matthew Wiysel seeking all available remedies regarding their public nuisances and collecting fines for their failure to abate the public nuisances in a timely manner. 2nd by Brown.  By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Brown – Aye.  Motion approved. 

The Village received a letter from Bob Harrah stating his intention to hold an auction of the items at his shop in the village this spring.  Georgia Harrah called to let the village know that she plans on getting the family together to clean up Bob’s Garage as soon as possible and to move forward with the sale of the property.  They already have two offers.

Trustee Brown commented that there are between six and eight dogs that run at large on a continual basis posing a problem in the village, and that she has been bitten by unrestrained dogs in the village in the past.  The Halls were not present at the meeting and the clerk could not verify that the letter requesting their presence had been received prior to the meeting.  The board decided to table this item until the February 8th meeting.

Clark and Thumann were present for the meeting.  Mr. Clark stated that he has tried contacting Thumann on numerous occasions leaving a message for his call to be returned.  Clark’s main complaint to Thumann was the exhaust fan that is a nuisance because of the smell, and safety hazard because it protrudes onto his property. Thumann stated that right now it is too costly to reroute the fan and that the property is for sale.  Thumann was willing to take the fan out and board up the hole.

Vidlak motioned to adjourn at 8:47pm.  2nd by Brown.  Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Brown – Aye.  Motion approved.  Motion approved. 

The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 8, 2012, 7pm at the ALA Hall.  The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office.

Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman

These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate.