The Union Village Board was called to order at 7:04 pm for the regular session.  The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference.  On roll call:  Hardbarger – Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Keene- Aye and Brown - absent.

Minutes of the April 11th Board Meeting were reviewed. Chipman motioned to approve the April 11, 2012 Meeting Minutes with a date change to April 21st under new business item B.  2nd by Vidlak.  By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene- Aye, and Brown absent.  Motion approved.

Claims and Accounts were presented.  Chipman motioned to approve May Claims and Accounts.  2nd by Vidlak.  Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene- Aye, and Brown absent.  Motion approved. CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS MAY 2012 NPPD           FIREBARN*  $      84.61

WATER PUMP  $     352.27

FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG)  $       21.58

TOWER  (WATER)  $       21.58

TRAFFIC LIGHT  $       21.58

AREA LIGHT RENTAL  $       12.98

STREETLIGHTS  $     597.98

SEWER PUMP  $       77.64

BALLFIELD  $       48.42

ALA HALL  $       33.86

WINDSTREAM  OFFICE  $       60.73

WINDSTREAM  FIRE  $       89.94

MELISSA HANSEN  $     849.15   APR PAY


LOAN  $      264.68   RESCUE SQUAD

LOAN  $      618.44   STREET/SEWER 

STEVE HEYEN  $    1440.15   APR PAY



NPHEL  $        10.00   WATER TESTS




$   6,291.68          MAY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 71,454.99          GENERAL FUND BALANCE, AS OF MAY 8, 2012 $       566.43         DEPOSITS FOR MAY 9, 2012 Correspondence: The village received an application from Sarpy/Cass Health Dept. mini-grant for West Nile Prevention.  We could use this to recycle 100 tires after our fall clean up or pay for trailer rental and travel expenses to Haas Tire in Lincoln who recycles them for free. Clerk Report – The street light near 320 C St. was shot out, according to Kevin at NPPD when he changed the bulb.  The audit waiver for FY 2010/2011 is completed and off to the State Auditor for approval.  The audit for the village worker’s comp and liability policies is completed.  I am working on setting up our appointment to get Emergency ID badges for 6pm prior to the UVFR meeting on June 14th; I gave CCEMA an alternate date of July 13th.  AT&T is scheduled to begin construction of their equipment and storage facility in June.  The village received one complaint about Muhlbauer’s lab running at large on May 5.  There were multiple complaints about their beagles barking constantly throughout the day and night.  The village’s ballpark dugout project was selected by Cass County for submission for the Keep Nebraska Beautiful Grant.  We should know if our project will get the grant sometime around May 15th. The Village Maintenance report: was given by Heyen.  The village pumped 1,181,000 gallons of water for a total of 363pump hours and the lift station ran 144 hours, for about 4.8 hours per day.  Heyen reported troubles with the John Deere mower. He replaced the clutch again which was under warranty, along with a gasket and pushrod.  If he has any more trouble with it, he will take it in to A&M Green Power for servicing.  The Harrah lot in the park suffered tree damage from the storm.   Heyen cleaned up the limbs.  The lift station is back in operation after repairs from last month.  Heyen reported that the generator for the lift station has incompatible connectors and he had to rig it in order to test the lift station on generator power.  Heyen mowed the lagoons but will need to mow again before the end of May.  He noted that there are a few saplings that need to be pulled in the area around the lagoons.  Heyen also reported that a water pipe broke in the concession bathrooms and he will have it fixed within the next few days.

Fire and Rescue report given by Louise Stewart. There were 5 Fire calls and 1 rescue call.   Stewart reminded everyone that the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast will be held again at Lake Waconda Community Center Monday, May 28th.

Union United Inc. report was given by Debbie Vidlak. The group is working on a design for a town sign with a local metal artist in Murray.  They plan on purchasing two signs to be installed east and West ends of Union.  Pole Banners are in the process of being made for the 125th Anniversary celebration.  The banners are being made with vinyl lettering and logos so they can be reused after by pulling the vinyl and replacing with different details.  Union Days planning is well on its way.  The celebration will be held June 2nd and 3rd, in conjunction with the Alumni Banquet.

Water Meter Committee Report:  Steve and I met with Harold Reynolds to give him an update on where the village stands with the meter project.  I still need to find funding and Harold suggested I call USDA.  He will also check into a couple of other options for me.  We want to schedule a town hall style meeting to discuss our plans for the project and Harold agreed to come and justify our need to the community.  We are looking at the third or fourth week in June.  The Board asked for the meeting to be scheduled for Tuesday, June 19th or Wednesday, June 20th.  I will email Harold with the dates and schedule the meeting for next month.  Heyen added that he and Harold discussed asking the Rural Water District out of Omaha to come and identify areas of the water system that may be leaking using equipment that attaches to fire hydrants.  Harold had mentioned that MAP doesn’t offer this service and that the NRWD will do it for a donation.

OLD BUSINESS Chipman proposed an amendment to Village Ordinance Chapter 1-107, OFFICERS; SALARIES with Ordinance 1-107.1: SALARIES.  Chipman then read the title of his proposed Village Ordinance Chapter 1-107.1: SALARIES.   Chipman then motioned to suspend the rules of the three readings and that Village Ordinance Chapter 1-107.1 be considered for passage on the same day upon reading by number and title only and then placed on final passage. 2nd by Vidlak. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene – Aye, Brown- absent.  Motion approved.

Chipman then again read the title of his proposed amendment Village Ordinance Chapter 1-107.1: SALARIES.  Chipman then read the entirety of his proposed amendment Village Ordinance Chapter 1-107.1.  Chipman motioned to accordingly add amendment Chapter 1-107.1: SALARIES. 2nd by Vidlak.  By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene– Aye, Brown- absent.  Motion approved.

NEW BUSINESS Jeff Clymer from Ball Ins. Services briefed the Board on Workman’s Compensation Supplement Policies.  Workman’s Comp Insurance for volunteer Fire and Rescue personnel is mandated by the State of Nebraska Statutes and only mandates bare bones coverage.  Forty nine percent of Fire and Rescue workers die of heart attack or stroke but are not covered under Workman’s Comp because the disease is pre-existing.  Workman’s Comp will pay an injured worker 2/3rd of their weekly salary and the supplement will cover the remaining 1/3rd .  The supplement will also cover non-roster volunteers if they are commandeered to direct traffic etc., during an emergency.  Equipment commandeered for an emergency is also covered under the supplement.  Without the supplement, these volunteers can hold the organization liable for damages and/or injury.  Jeff Clymer asked that a vote on adding supplemental workman’s comp coverage for the Union Volunteer Fire and Rescue organization be added to the June meeting agenda.

Chipman proposed a modification to Village Ordinance Chapter 1-115, MEETINGS; MINUTES.  Residents have requested to see minutes from the current month’s board meeting posted after the meeting.  This posting of the minutes will be in draft form until approved at the next monthly board meeting.  The clerk will have up to 10 days to draft them, which is in accordance with State Statutes, and must make a reasonable attempt to post them within the 10 days.  Chipman then read the title of his proposed modification to Village Ordinance Chapter 1-115: MEETINGS; MINUTES.   Chipman then motioned to suspend the rules of the three readings and that Village Ordinance Chapter 1-115 be considered for passage on the same day upon reading by number and title only and then placed on final passage. 2nd by Keene. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene – Aye, Brown- absent.  Motion approved.

Chipman then again read the title of his proposed amendment Village Ordinance Chapter 1-115: MEETINGS; MINUTES.  Chipman then read the entirety of his proposed modification to Village Ordinance Chapter 1-115.  Chipman motioned to accordingly modify Chapter 1-115: MEETINGS; MINUTES. 2nd by Vidlak.  By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene– Aye, Brown- absent.  Motion approved.

Chipman motioned to fine Brett Muhlbauer in accordance with Resolution 12-4.  He will be fined $50 for reports that on May 5, 2012, Muhlbauer’s lab was running at large.  Muhlbauer will also be fined $100.00 for two violations of harboring unlicensed dogs within the village.  These fines will be held in abeyance until Jul, 1, 2012, and if the owner removes the dogs voluntarily from the village limits the fines will be waived. 2nd by Vidlak.  By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene– Aye, Brown- absent.  Motion approved.   The Steel Horse Saloon in Nehawka has requested that the Board approve a Special Designated License for employees serving under their catering license at the beer garden event being held during the 125th Anniversary celebration June 2, 2012 from 6:00pm until midnight.  A 3600 square foot area will be enclosed by temporary fencing as dictated by the Liquor Commission.  Security personnel will be present to check ID’s and hand our wrist bands.  Chipman motioned to approve the Special Designated License in accordance with the Nebraska State Liquor Commission regulations. 2nd by Keene.  By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene– Aye, Brown- absent.  Motion approved.

Louise Stewart was present to represent the Postmaster to brief the Board on recent incidents at the post office.  Children have been tampering with the post office box locks and entry locks after post office personnel have left for the day.  Four antique post office box locks have been vandalized and have been repaired.  The process of these repairs is very time consuming.  If these incidents don’t stop the children will not be able to wait in the post office for school busses and the post office will be locked when postal employees leave for the day.  Louise requested that a letter with the children’s names that were seen in the post office after the current closing time of 7:00pm be submitted to the post master.

Vidlak motioned to adjourn at 8:20pm.  2nd by Keene.  Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene- Aye and Brown- absent.  Motion approved.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for June 13, 2012, 7 pm at the ALA Hall.  The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office.

Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman

These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate.