The Union Village Board was called to order at 7:02 pm for the regular session.  The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference.  On roll call:  Hardbarger – Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Keene and Brown - absent.

Minutes of the July Board Meeting was reviewed. Chipman motioned to approve the July 11, 2012 Meeting Minutes.  2nd by Vidlak.  By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene and Brown absent.  Motion approved.

Claims and Accounts were presented.  Chipman motioned to approve August Claims and Accounts.  2nd by Vidlak.  Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene and Brown absent.  Motion approved.

CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS AUGUST 2012 NPPD           FIREBARN*  $     115.75

WATER PUMP  $     644.00

FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG)  $       21.58

TOWER  (WATER)  $       21.74

TRAFFIC LIGHT  $       21.58

AREA LIGHT RENTAL  $       12.98

STREETLIGHTS  $     623.21

SEWER PUMP  $       75.06

BALLFIELD  $       48.42

ALA HALL  $       35.88

WINDSTREAM  OFFICE  $       59.57

WINDSTREAM  FIRE  $       90.33

MELISSA HANSEN  $      849.15   JUL PAY

SENDD  $      345.00   MEMBERSHIP DUES

LOAN  $      264.68   RESCUE SQUAD

LOAN  $      618.44   STREET/SEWER 

STEVE HEYEN  $    1416.46   JUL PAY



NPHEL  $        70.00   WATER TESTS








$   7,076.38        AUGUST CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 83,577.96        GENERAL FUND BALANCE, AS OF AUGUST 7, 2012 $   0                    DEPOSITS FOR AUGUST 8, 2012 Correspondence: The village received a notice of public hearing from the Cass County Planning Commission for August 20, 2012 to amend Cass County Zoning Regulations Article 7 Supplemental Regulations, Section 7.14 Wind Energy Conversion system, change Part B number ii. The village received notice of its eligibility to receive settlement in a class action lawsuit again JP Morgan for allegedly price-fixing in the sale of municipal derivatives from Jan 1, 1992 through August 18, 2011.  The District Court for Southern New York will hold a hearing on December 14, 2012 to consider whether the Settlement of $44.5 million should be approved as fair, reasonable, and adequate to the Class. Clerk Report – The Village Hosted a kick-off on August 3 and 4th for its new revitalization program. The Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) staff from Kansas State University facilitated a visioning workshop for residents interested in community improvement. The draft of the vision is available for viewing and comments until August 22nd.  The official vision statement will be adopted during the September 12th Board Meeting. The Union Phase II Ground Water Management Area Advisory Group Meeting met August 7 to recommend ideas for best practices for the Natural Resources District Board to adopt and implement in Union to protect the water table and public water supply form increasing nitrate levels. The Village needs to cooperate with district staff and have our wells tested to determine the level of nitrates in each one.  I met with NPPD on Monday to brief them on the visioning kick-off.  They see the importance of our relationship in this process.  They also shared some information on a meeting they held last week for Cass County customers.  With the new regulatory constraints they want their stakeholders to know why rates are increasing.  They have been asked to reduce the amount of energy they produce form coal sources, which currently supplies 50% of our electricity. They have been asked to increase the amount of energy they produce from renewable sources and they have invested money into research that will hopefully improve the consistency of renewable energy.  They also need to replace the turbine that runs their nuclear facility and are trying to decide if an upgrade in size is warranted.  Based on this year’s trends and with the drought, they are producing far more electricity than in the past.  Whether or not we are in a multi-year drought is a concern.  Their request for the municipality is that we take an interest in the information they make available so we can support them in an educated manner in the future. The park was vandalized sometime during the last week in July. All the new florescent bulbs installed in the pavilion have been shot out.  The locks on the window boarding the north side of the concession stand are bent and the stand was broken into.  The vandals took six to seven cases of pop belonging to Union United, Inc. and the restroom keys are missing.  I talked to a few neighborhood kids and some witnessed two teenage Union boys shooting out the lights.  I have not pursued this because I haven’t had the time and wish to get input on the next step. The Village Maintenance report: was given by Heyen.  The village pumped 1,745,000 gallons of water for the month.  Heyen asked if we can ask for a voluntary water restriction because we don’t have the measuring equipment necessary to determine how much water is left in the wells.  Contractors for the AT&T project want to weld equipment on the water tower.  The State advised us to keep water tower in service until drought conditions lessen in the fall.  Welding can’t be accomplished with the tower full. Heyen met with HD Waterworks to consult on meter pits.  He will order 5 pits and meters to start work on the water meter installation. Fire and Rescue report given by Louise Stewart. She reported 5 Fire and 2 Rescue calls. The last Pancake Breakfast will be held September 5th at Lake Waconda Community Center.

Union United Inc. report was given by Melissa Hansen. The 3rd Annual Golf Tournament raised over $1000.00.  The group plans to coordinate with the Village fall clean-up and ball park projects to install the Village signs.  They need volunteers to harvest grapes at the Union Hill Vineyard either the last Saturday in August, the 25th or first Saturday in September, the first. 

NEW BUSINESS Harold Reynolds from MAP introduced the TAB program and how it is set up to assist Union in their revitalization program.  He gave an overview of the past weekend workshop and encouraged the community to review the vision statement and comment.

Suzie Roberts introduced herself.  She was raised in Union and her parents started the Union Rescue Squad.  She complained even then the Village Board was not supportive of the Fire and Rescue Departments.  She joined the Nehawka Rescue and currently serves on the squad with three or four other Union residents.  The process of becoming an EMT involves 190 hours of classes.  She feels if someone is willing to dedicate themselves to the education the Board should honor that and accept their contract.  Steve Bescheinen was willing to commit himself to the training and the board should not have rejected his contract because of a fight in a bar.  The clerk explained that the issue was not simply a fight in a bar but rather a blatant disrespect for the municipal government by attacking a Trustee of the Village. Roberts explained that it is difficult to cover the Nehawka area and now Union, with the limited personnel they have to work with.

Sandy Weirs from Cass County Emergency Management Agency introduced herself and assured she was here in support of our rescue squad.  She explained that finding good qualified EMTs is an issue all over the county.  She assured that the mutual aid agreements are in place and that we just need to let them know how they can be of assistance in the future.

Jen Fitch introduced herself as the Rescue Captain for Nehawka and assured us that the mutual aid will be in force.  She acknowledged that Union Rescue has been called on to cover Nehawka in the past and that the groups work together often. She recommends that we recruit volunteers to attend EMT classes that are in the process of being set up.  She admitted that the Nehawka Rescue has been asked to not respond to Union’s calls, but Fitch ensured the Board that not responding will never be an option because they take their duties seriously.

Scott Peterson introduced himself.  He and his wife Sheila live in Union by the river.  He is a 911 dispatcher for Cass County and Sheila works at the Cass County Emergency Management Agency.  Peterson told how he approached the Union Rescue Department to volunteer as a trained EMT.  They told him they didn’t need his services. He renewed his offer to join Union Rescue.  Peterson also thought it would be possible to join the Nehawka and Union Rescue and operate out of two locations. The Board is interested in hosting an informal meeting to brainstorm ideas for the future of Union Rescue.

Vidlak motioned to purchase 1500 gallons of prepaid propane at $1.29 per gallon through Drake Propane Service, LLC.  2nd by Chipman. Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene and Brown- absent.  Motion approved.

In light of the Harrah auction scheduled for September 22, 2012, Chipman motioned to adopt resolution 12-7, declaring 126 West Main St. a nuisance based on the findings of the Health Board.  Because of the pending auction scheduled for September 22nd, the resolution gives a deadline of September 30, 2012 for the nuisances to be abated.  2nd by Vidlak. Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene and Brown- absent.  Motion approved.

A modification to the nuisance ordinance was introduced.  The modification will be posted for review until it can be voted on at the next board meeting.

New Ordinances pertaining to the water department were introduced and will be posted for review until the next meeting.

Chipman motioned to approve the building permit application for Verizon Wireless to add equipment to the existing tower on Highway 75. 2nd by Vidlak.  Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene and Brown- absent.  Motion approved.

Vidlak motioned to adjourn at 8:26pm.  2nd by Chipman.  Trustee votes are as follows:  Hardbarger– Aye, Chipman – Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Keene and Brown- absent.  Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2012, 7 pm at the ALA Hall.  The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office.

Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman

These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate.