The Union Village Board met in special session on February 6, 2013 and was called to order at 7:01pm to discuss and decide on establishing a Little League Select Baseball program in Union. On roll call: Hardbarger – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Boardman – Aye, Seyler – Aye, Brown - Aye.
Jimmy Nichols II was present and requested the Board consider his request to organize a Little League Select program with a home field in Union. Nichols shared that he has been talking to local area parents and boys and has received a lot of interest. Originally Nichols tried to get into the Cass County Recreation League but they denied him. After the Rec Department visited Union’s improved facility, they told Nichols they would consider his request next year, but Nichols pursued a program for this year with USSSA.
Hardbarger informed Nichols that the Village Maintenance, being a part-time position, would only have time to mow the outfield periodically and control the weeds. The infield will have to be maintained by program volunteers. Nichols agreed that they would be responsible for the infield which needs a lot of work. Nichols is looking at fundraising ideas to purchase clay dirt to improve the infield.
Safety of the facilities and access by people with disabilities was mentioned. At one time the clerk said an insurance safety representative inspected the ball park and mentioned that the bleachers would be safer if they had a rail added along the back and sides and also mulch should be added to the playground equipment nearby. Nichols said he has visited many ball parks and not all the facilities are ADA accessible and most of the older facilities have bleachers without backs. The facilities in Union will be improved as the money becomes available.
The program will involve concession sales and income, which Hardbarger thought should go back into the improvement of the ball park facilities. If the facilities are going to be used regularly, Hardbarger has no problem working with the Board to appropriate some funds to improve the concessions stand, restrooms and infield. If they can come up with volunteers to do the work, the village will help pay for the supplies.
Nichols stated that he already has enough players interested to form 2 teams: 8U and 12U. The season runs from April through July and in the first year, will guarantee one home game per week and the teams will play in one tournament per month. The registration cost at the moment is high, around $300 per player, but can be lowered with sponsors and fundraising. Little League games attract special interest and Hardbarger agreed it will be great to bring more kids and activities in to Union.
Vidlak motioned to allow Jimmy Nichols II to organize a Little League Select program with a home field at Union, NE and to use the name Union for their team. 2nd by Boardman. Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger– Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Boardman – Aye, Seyler – Aye, Brown- Aye. Motion approved.
Vidlak motioned to adjourn at 7:28. 2nd by Seyler. Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger– Aye, Vidlak- Aye, Boardman – Aye, Seyler – Aye, Brown- Aye. Motion approved
The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 13, 2013, 7pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office.
Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman
These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate.