VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 8, 2014 The October Regular meeting was called to order by the clerk at 7:01 pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Seyler motioned to appoint Vidlak as chairman in Hardbargerís absence. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustees votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motioned approved. Minutes of the September Regular Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Seyler motioned to approve September Board Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Seyler motioned to approve October Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. OCTOBER CLAIMS 2014 NPPD FIREBARN* $ 105.30 WATER PUMP $ 512.06 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 22.73 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 TRAFFIC LIGHT $ 22.11 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 77.58 BALLFIELD $ 62.00 ALA HALL $ 33.51 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 64.53 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 90.96 MELISSA HANSEN $ 898.91 SEP PAY LOAN $ 622.94 STREET/SEWER LOAN PAYOFF STEVE HEYEN $ 1426.91 SEP PAY COLUMBUS TELEGRAM $ 28.28 MINUTES PUBLISHING LINCOLN JOURNAL $ 44.09 BUDGET NOTICE STEVE C HEYEN $ 114.29 SEP TEMP PAY JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 438.75 GAS/MOWERS/TRUCK/DUMPTRUCK USDA $ 21209.00 SEWER LOAN ANNUAL PAYMENT LARM $ 13284.43 VILLAGE/ 4791.80 URFB/8492.63 NPHEL $ 15.00 WATER TESTS ONE CALL CONCEPTS $ 24.70 DIGGERS HOTLINE UTILITY SVC CO $ 2098.62 TOWER MAINT CONTRACT $ 41,843.25 OCTOBER CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 99,420.86 FUND BALANCES AS OF OCT 6, 2014 $ 1,387.14 DEPOSITS FOR OCT 7, 2014 $ 17,084.33 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 76,049.08 Total Village Accounts after claims and accounts paid CORRESPONDENCE ñ No correspondence to report CLERK REPORT ñ Working on Fiscal Year reports for USDA & NDOR. Quarterly 941 and Unemployment reports due the end of October and will be done. Village Maintenance Report: Heyen reported 848,000 gallons of water pumped. Pumps ran for a total of 247 hours. Lift station ran for a total of 70 hours, an approximate 2.3 hours per day. Heyen brought the new chlorine pump back to Ferguson because it wasnít running properly. Technician told him he was using the wrong size tubing. Heyen purchased the new tubing for approximately $115.00. Heyen finished chipping brush pile in the lagoon area and is working on getting more rock to finish C St. Alley. There was a water leak in Birch Drive due to a hydrant used to work the fire at 207 Birch St. The water tower is in the process of being painted according to schedule and the contractor hired to repair streets is due to start work this week. Union United Inc. report was given by Debbie Vidlak. The annual Union Hill Vineyard Grape Harvest is scheduled for October 18th from 8am to noon. Chambourcin grapes harvested here are trucked to Soaring Wings Vineyard in Springfield, NE and made into their Red Phoenix wine. Spirits of Union will be held October 25th from 5pm to 7pm at the American Legion Auxiliary Hall. There will be a chili cookoff for the adults, costume contest and pumpkin decorating contest for the kids. New Business: Seyler motioned to adopt Resolution 14-4 to set new water rates effective December 1, 2014. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Clerk discussed the villageís eligibility to apply for CDBG Grant funding to accomplish a new Comprehensive Plan. The last plan was done in 1998 and is typically pertinent for 10 years. Given the communityís interest in Economic Development and other projects, a new Comp Plan and the appointment of a new Planning Commission is advised. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 7:21pm. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 12, 2014, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office. Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES October 23, 2014 The Union Village Board met in special session on October 23, 2014 to hold a liquor license hearing and approve the following: new subdivision, Olsson Associates Service agreement, and new liquor license. On Roll Call: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye, Brown ñ Aye. The meeting was called to order at 8:01pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. Vidlak motioned to approve Resolution 14-5 approving a subdivision by splitting property owned by Tom Pike into two parcels. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustees votes are as follows: Hardbarger-Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye, Brown ñ Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to approve Olsson Associates Services Agreement as amended. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustees votes are as follows: Hardbarger-Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye, Brown ñ Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to open liquor license hearing for Laura Daws, dba The Nutty Tavern, at 8:14pm. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustees votes are as follows: Hardbarger-Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye, Brown ñ Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to close liquor license hearing at 8:15pm. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustees votes are as follows: Hardbarger-Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye, Brown ñ Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to approve a Class C liquor license for Laura Daws, dba The Nutty Tavern. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustees votes are as follows: Hardbarger-Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye, Brown ñ Aye. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 8:17pm. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustees votes are as follows: Hardbarger-Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye, Brown ñ Aye. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 12, 2014, 7pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office. Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 2014 The November Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Minutes of the October Regular Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Vidlak motioned to approve October Board Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Minutes of the October Special Meeting were reviewed. Vidlak motioned to approve October Special Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Vidlak motioned to approve November Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. NOVEMBER CLAIMS 2014 NPPD FIREBARN* $ 87.39 WATER PUMP $ 309.16 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 22.11 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 TRAFFIC LIGHT $ 22.11 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 68.77 BALLFIELD $ 62.47 ALA HALL $ 40.77 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 64.32 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 91.01 MELISSA HANSEN $ 898.90 OCT PAY STEVE HEYEN $ 1304.38 OCT PAY AGRIVISION $ 70.45 MOWER PARTS FERGUSON ENT., INC. $ 133.04 CHLORINE PUMP TUBING STEVE C HEYEN $ 133.33 OCT TEMP PAY JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 346.20 GAS/TANKS/TRUCK KERNS EXC., CO $ 671.35 WATER LEAK REPAIR SORENSENíS TREE CARE $ 125.00 TREE FERTILIZATION IN PARK COLUMBUS TELEGRAM $ 10.94 LIQUOR NOTICE PUBLICATION NPHEL $ 485.00 WATER TESTS $ 5,593.27 NOVEMBER CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 76,780.46 FUND BALANCES AS OF NOV 11, 2014 $ 944.47 DEPOSITS FOR NOV 11, 2014 $ 17,084.33 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 89,215.99 Total Village Accounts after claims and accounts paid CORRESPONDENCE ñ No correspondence to report CLERK REPORT ñ Election results. Hardbarger ñ 37, Vidlak ñ 37, Bruce -22, Plybon ñ 16, Write In ñ 3. Congratulations to Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. and Paul Vidlak on their re-election. Village Maintenance Report: Kim Heyen reported 863,000 gallons of water pumped. Pumps ran for a total of 249 hours. Lift station ran for a total of 140 hours, an approximate 4.6 hours per day. Plattsmouth donated stop signs to Union. Steve is working on new bids for road repair and securing a truck for maintenance. Union United Inc. report was given by Debbie Vidlak. Phase I of caboose restoration project is being implemented. Phase I includes securing the windows and doors and inhibiting rust at a cost of approximately $1000. Grant funding will be sought to continue the caboose restoration project. Santaís Workshop will be held December 6th at the Junktion from 2 to 4pm. New Business: Vidlak motioned to update the villageís comprehensive plan using CDBG funding as available. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 7:22pm. 2nd by Vidlak. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for December 10, 2014, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office. Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 2014 The December Regular meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Minutes of the November Regular Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Vidlak motioned to approve November Board Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Vidlak motioned to approve December Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. DECEMBER CLAIMS 2014 NPPD FIREBARN* $ 77.63 WATER PUMP $ 271.14 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 22.11 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 TRAFFIC LIGHT $ 22.11 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 83.37 BALLFIELD $ 52.34 ALA HALL $ 50.77 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 65.39 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 91.02 MELISSA HANSEN $ 898.91 NOV PAY STEVE HEYEN $ 1144.71 NOV PAY CASS COUNTY ELECTION $ 50.00 NOV ELECTION DWAIN HARDBARGER, JR $ 500.00 CHAIRMAN COMPENSATION PAUL VIDLAK $ 300.00 TRUSTEE COMPENSATION CJ SEYLER, III $ 300.00 TRUSTEE COMPENSATION HEATHER BOARDMAN $ 225.00 TRUSTEE COMPENSATION BOBBY BROWN $ 150.00 TRUSTEE COMPENSATION JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 261.27 GAS/TRUCK JP MORGAN CHASE BANK $ 772.50 INTEREST ON STREET BONDS CARRAWAY COMPUTERS $ 500.00 SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTRACT NPHEL $ 205.00 WATER TESTS $ 6,689.82 DECEMBER CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 90,286.87 FUND BALANCES AS OF DEC. 10, 2014 $ 1,815.21 DEPOSITS FOR DEC 10, 2014 $ 19,208.61 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 104,620.87 Total Village Accounts after claims and accounts paid CORRESPONDENCE ñ No correspondence to report CLERK REPORT ñ USDA Reports completed and filed. Working on DEQ and DHHS Needs Survey with Steve. Street Budget Report for NDOR and Emergency Response Plan for DHHS are being worked on. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported 853,000 gallons of water pumped. Pumps ran for a total of 370 hours. Lift station ran for a total of 77 hours, an approximate 2.6 hours per day. The output of the lift station is around 924,000 for last month. Groundwater must be getting in to the system. Union United Inc. Report: Debbie Vidlak reported that Santaís Workshop was a success. Santa visited with approximately 15 children that attended and made crafts for their families. Old Business: Emily Bausch from Olsson Associates briefed the Board about updating the villageís Comprehensive Plan. The community is eligible to receive CDBG funding for this planning process because of our low to moderate income threshold. As a member of SENDD we can get assistance with the grant writing and administration of the grant. The grants are usually a 75%/25% share. The village will be responsible for 25% of the planning costs. The Comprehensive Plan includes community vision, a review of land use, public infrastructure demands, Capital Improvement planning. The village can add a blight study, street study to include sidewalks. A public hearing is held for input and a Planning Commission must be appointed. New Business: Clerk gave the oath of office to Paul Vidlak and Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Vidlak motioned to appoint Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. as Chairman of the Board. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. The Chairman appointed the following officials and administrators: Clerk: Melissa Hansen, Accountant: Ric Ortmeier, CPA, Attorney: Rush Chipman Law, Street Superintendent: Dennis Graham, Olsson Associates, Engineer: Olsson Associates, Utilities Commissioner: Heather Boardman, Streets Co-Commissioners: CJ Seyler and Paul Vidlak, Park Commissioner: Bobby Brown, Village Maintenance: Steve Heyen, Health Board: Terry Spielvogel, Butch Hardbarger, Jr. and Dave Chipman, Planning Commissioners: Terry Spielvogel and Cass Crook. Seyler motioned to accept Hardbargerís appointments. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak introduced New Ordinance Chapter VIII: Article I: ZONING REGULATIONS. Ordinances to be adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Union, Cass County, Revising and amending the provision of the Village Code at Chapter VIII, Article I, entitled ìZoning Regulationsî, and to repeal ordinance contrary thereto. Vidlak read the title of Ordinance Chapter VIII: Article I: ZONING REGULATIONS and motioned to suspend the rules of the three separate reading and that ordinance Chapter VIII: Article I: ZONING REGULATIONS be considered for passage on the same day upon reading by number and title only and then placed on final passage. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak read the title of Ordinance Chapter VIII: Article I: ZONING REGULATIONS and the read Chapter VIII: Article I: ZONING REGULATIONS in its entirety. Vidlak motioned to adopt Ordinance Chapter VIII: Article I: ZONING REGULATIONS. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak introduced New Ordinance 1-701: An ordinance to be adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Union, Cass, County, revising and amending the provision of the Village Code 1-701 now to be titled: MEMBERS, OFFICERS, DUTIES, to repeal any other ordinance contrary thereto. Vidlak read the title of Ordinance 1-701: MEMBERS, OFFICERS, DUTIES and motioned to suspend the rules of the three separate reading and that ordinance Ordinance 1-701: MEMBERS, OFFICERS, DUTIES be considered for passage on the same day upon reading by number and title only and then placed on final passage. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak read the title of Ordinance 1-701: MEMBERS, OFFICERS, DUTIES and the read Ordinance 1-701: MEMBERS, OFFICERS, DUTIES in its entirety. Vidlak motioned to adopt Ordinance 1-701: MEMBERS, OFFICERS, DUTIES. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Justin Stark, Olsson Associates briefed the Board on the One and Six Year Street Plan. The plan will stay the same as last year. The villageís last street bond payment is in June. Plan will be updated next year based on the ability to fund future projects. The One and Six Year Hearing will be held in January along with hearing for Comprehensive Planning. Vidlak motioned to approve a $200 performance bonus for Melissa Hansen and Steve Heyen. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 8:07pm. 2nd by Vidlak. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for January 14, 2015, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 14, 2015 The January Regular meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Vidlak motioned to open the One and Six Year Street Plan Hearing at 7:01pm. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to close the One and Six Year Street Plan Hearing at 7:03pm. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Minutes of the December Regular Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Seyler motioned to approve December Board Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Vidlak motioned to approve January Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. JANUARY CLAIMS 2015 NPPD FIREBARN* $ 91.84 WATER PUMP $ 372.07 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 41.42 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 TRAFFIC LIGHT $ 22.11 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 153.52 BALLFIELD $ 49.48 ALA HALL $ 35.86 HOLIDAY LIGHTING $ 22.11 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 64.03 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 91.02 MELISSA HANSEN $ 810.37 DEC PAY STEVE HEYEN $ 1451.44 DEC PAY STEVE C HEYEN $ 190.47 DEC TEMP PAY ONE CALL CONCEPTS $ 3.75 DIGGERSHOTLINE UTILITY SVC, CO $ 2098.62 TOWER MAINT CONTRACT JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 303.14 GAS/TRUCK NPHEL $ 15.00 WATER TESTS $ 6,462.28 JANUARY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 68,749.67 FUND BALANCES AS OF JANUARY 13, 2015$ $ 19,208.61 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 81,496.00 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE ñ No correspondence to report CLERK REPORT ñ Nothing to Report Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported 850,000 gallons of water pumped. Pumps ran for a total of 236 hours. Lift station ran for a total of 383 hours. The output of the lift station still show our sewer system is still taking on drainage water. Farmers well is down. It will cost approximately $3,000.00 to repair. Union United Inc. Report: Nothing to Report New Business: Vidlak motioned to accept the One & Six Year Plan as prepared by Olsson Associates by passing Resolution 15-1. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to renew the villageís membership to the Nebraska Rural Water Association. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 7:24pm. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 11, 2015, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 2015 The February Regular meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm at the ALA Hall by the Village Clerk. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Boardman motioned to appoint Seyler as acting chairman in Hardbargerís absence. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Minutes of the January Regular Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Boardman motioned to approve January Board Meeting Minutes with a correction to water gallons pumped for 819,000. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Brown motioned to approve February Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. FEBRUARY CLAIMS 2015 NPPD FIREBARN* $ 97.50 WATER PUMP $ 448.31 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 52.82 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 TRAFFIC LIGHT $ 22.11 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 158.43 BALLFIELD $ 49.48 ALA HALL $ 43.32 HOLIDAY LIGHTING $ 23.80 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 64.45 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 91.09 MELISSA HANSEN $ 898.90 JAN PAY STEVE HEYEN $ 1584.37 JAN PAY STEVE C HEYEN $ 190.47 JAN TEMP PAY COLUMBUS TELEGRAM $ 8.42 HEARING PUBLICATION LARM $ 278.46 F-550 ADDED TO INSURANCE JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 312.61 GAS/TRUCK AND PLOW BROWN FLORAL $ 155.00 FLOWERS FOR ROB BROWN FUNERAL $ 5,147.48 FEBRUARY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 70,702.64 FUND BALANCES AS OF FEBRUARY 10, 2015 $ 19,208.61 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 84,763.77 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE ñ No correspondence to report CLERK REPORT ñ All State and Federal Reports filed and paid. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported 1,194,000 gallons of water pumped. Pumps ran for a total of 327 hours. Lift station ran for a total of 105 hours. The output of the lift station still show our sewer system is still taking on drainage water. Drawdown is completed at one of the wells. The second well has a problem with tubing. The tubing can be fixed or the village can buy reading equipment for drawdown totals. Heyen also reported that he was briefed about Ash Bore problems at the utility conference. League of Nebraska Municipalities recommend that an ordinance be enacted for residents to remove dead and sick trees from their property and public right-of-ways. The new plow is unable to plow in the residential circles due to the size of the vehicle. The Montana tractor will be used to clear these areas. The fuel pumped was replaced in the F-550. Many people are asking what the village is going to do with the F-250. Itís worth $1000 in scrap metal. The village should request sealed bids on the sale of the truck with a minimum of $1000. Union United Inc. Report: Union United is applying for a paint grant for the caboose through Keep Cass County Beautiful with a deadline of March 1, 2015. New Business: Boardman motioned to table recycle trailer item until more information is provided by the County. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Dave Taladay from SENDD briefed the Board on Comprehensive Plan and CDBG Process. Step one is to send a request for qualifications to local engineering companies inviting them to interview for the Comprehensive Plan compilation. Proposals will be considered on March 11, 2015 by the Board. A public hearing date will be set and held prior to CDBG Grant application with a deadline of April 10, 2015. Boardman motioned to adjourn at 7:48pm. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Absent, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2015, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 11, 2015 The March Regular meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Minutes of the February Regular Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Seyler motioned to approve February Board Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Vidlak motioned to approve March Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. MARCH CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS NPPD FIREBARN* $ 82.73 WATER PUMP $ 440.05 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 47.44 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 TRAFFIC LIGHT $ 22.11 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 143.49 BALLFIELD $ 49.48 ALA HALL $ 43.99 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 64.15 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 91.09 MELISSA HANSEN $ 801.37 FEB PAY STEVE HEYEN $ 1345.30 FEB PAY STEVE C HEYEN $ 355.56 FEB TEMP PAY COLUMBUS TELEGRAM $ 35.77 RFQ PUBLICATION NPHEL $ 46.00 WATER TESTING JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 352.60 GAS/TRUCK AND PLOW MIDWEST FARMERS COOP $ 385.99 PROPANE FOR FIREHALL $ 4,953.67 MARCH CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 79,265.44 FUND BALANCES AS OF MARCH 7, 2015 $ 19,213.40 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 93,525.17 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE ñ Received a request from the Union Volunteer Fire and Rescue to read in current roster for insurance purposes. Clerk read the roster: Bill Bescheinen, Will Bescheinen, Steve Bescheinen, Heather Boardman, Greg Bruce, Joe Hall, Bryson Heim, Paul Hermsen, Robin Hogrefe, Rob Kennedy, Larry Lawton, Jim McClane, Tanner Miner, Jim Noerrlinger, Nick Smith, Louise Stewart, Frank Swanson, Tony Tellez. CLERK REPORT ñ Nothing to Report. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported 1,054,000 gallons of water pumped. Pumps ran for a total of 326 hours. Lift station ran for a total of 163 hours. The Methodist Church has a water leak. Heyen located the draw down equipment for the well on Ebay. Hardbarger told him to go ahead and bid and secure the equipment. Union United Inc. Report: Union United is sponsoring Clean Up and Green Up on April 18, 2015. They need volunteers for Highway Cleanup starting at the Post Office at 10 am. Dumpsters will be provided in the park along with electronic and tire recycling sites. Limb chipping will also be available near the ball field. New Business: The Board reviewed and scored the RFQís submitted by three different engineering companies for the Comprehensive Plan Project. Vidlak motioned to negotiate final contract for the Comprehensive Plan with Olsson Associates. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Dave Taladay from SENDD briefed the Board on planning costs and CDBG required matching. The maximum estimated cost for planning is $38,000 with the local match being $9500. The Public Hearing will be set for April 8, 2015 at 7:00pm. Hardbarger discussed requests to use the Union ball field for adult tournaments and practices by outside ball organizations. The Board discussed a fee schedule for Village Amenities. Policies for maintenance and use need to be set. Seyler motioned to set ball field and pavilion rates as follows: Field Rental for Tournaments $200 per day. Games and practices $50 for 2 hrs. plus $10 for electricity if lights are used. Pavilion for residents $25 per event , $50 for non-residents. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Jimmy Nichols and Jeff Ruby were present to discuss field expenses for the Union Dirtdevil Baseball Program. Board discussed the need for 8 to 10 more tons of field conditioner. Vidlak motioned to approve $3500 for the purchase of field conditioner and other possible field expenses. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 7:57pm. 2nd by Vidlak. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 8, 2015, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES APRIL8, 2015 The April Regular meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Vidlak motioned to open public hearing to discuss CDBG Funding. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. The Village will need approximately $33,700 in planning funds to renew the Villageís Comprehensive Plan: $25,700 in CDBG Grant Funding and $8,000 in matching funds from the Village. SENDD will submit our grant on April, 10th and the award should be announced sometime in July. Vidlak motioned to close the public hearing. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Minutes of the March Regular Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Vidlak motioned to approve March Board Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Vidlak motioned to approve April Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. APRIL CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS NPPD FIREBARN* $ 98.05 WATER PUMP $ 529.25 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 49.84 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 TRAFFIC LIGHT $ 22.11 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 146.39 BALLFIELD $ 49.48 ALA HALL $ 40.20 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 64.02 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 91.09 MELISSA HANSEN $ 898.91 MAR PAY STEVE HEYEN $ 1284.02 MAR PAY STEVE C HEYEN $ 196.83 MAR TEMP PAY MELISSA HANSEN $ 17.25 MILEAGE TO CASS COUNTY COURT NPHEL $ 15.00 WATER TESTING JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 191.50 GAS/TRUCK ONE CALL CONCEPTS $ 3.35 DIGGERS HOTLINE CARRAWAY COMP $ 172.53 UTILITY BILLING FORMS URFB $ 397.90 INS PREMIUM REFUND-RESCUE SQUAD UTILITY SVC CO $ 2098.62 TOWER MAINT CONTRACT OLSSON&ASSOCIATES $ 300.00 STREET SUPT CONTRACT $ 7,312.89 APRIL CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 86,140.68 FUND BALANCES AS OF APRIL 7, 2015 $ 581.68 DEPOSITS FOR APRIL 8, 2015 $ 19,213.40 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 98,622.87 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE ñ Nothing to Report. CLERK REPORT ñ Nothing to Report. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported 1,400,000 gallons of water pumped. Pumps ran for a total of 395 hours. Lift station ran for a total of 64 hours. The Village is still pumping an average of 1 million gallons each month unaccounted for. Heyen suggested we put in a meter at the fire barn to account for gallons used by fire tankers. Union United Inc. Report: Reminder: Clean Up and Green Up on April 18, 2015. Spring newsletter should be out soon. New Business: Vidlak motioned to adopt Resolution 2015-002 for CDBG Grant Application process. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to set deadline for sealed bids on the Villageís Ford F-250 for June 1, 2015 to be awarded at the June 10, 2015 Regular Board Meeting. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 7:24pm. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for May 13, 2015, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2015 The May Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Seyler motioned to appoint Vidlak as acting chairman. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Minutes of the April Regular Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Seyler motioned to approve April Board Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Seyler motioned to approve May Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. MAY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS NPPD FIREBARN* $ 83.59 WATER PUMP $ 542.05 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 22.11 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 TRAFFIC LIGHT $ 44.22 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 103.39 BALLFIELD $ 56.17 ALA HALL $ 38.76 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 63.82 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 91.16 MELISSA HANSEN $ 898.91 APR PAY STEVE HEYEN $ 1511.01 APR PAY STEVE C HEYEN $ 57.14 APR TEMP PAY PAPILLION SANITATION $ 410.62 TONAGE FOR 3 ROLL-OFFS WIREBUILT CO. $ 780.00 WEBSITE UPDATE/GRANT FUNDED JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 412.78 GAS/TRUCK/CANS/CHIPPER BORNEMEIER WELL $ 300.00 CONTROL BOX REPAIR -WELLHOUSE DISPLAY SALES $ 310.00 FLAGS $ 6,372.48 MAY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 93,413.10 FUND BALANCES AS OF MAY 12, 2015 $ 772.37 DEPOSITS FOR MAY 13, 2015 $ 19,213.40 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 107,026.39 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE ñ NDOR Transportation Plan received and distributed to the Board. Union is due for resurfacing in 2017. Received letter from State Auditor stating that Unionís Audit Waiver has not been received and a hearing was held to withhold State Highway Funding until completed. Checked with Ric Ortmeier and they had some personnel changes. Report will be finished by end of May. CLERK REPORT ñ A DMV Request for records on the í53 International Fire Truck was sent. Should receive record in the mail in a few days. Filed payroll quarterly reports a day late. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported 1,860,000 gallons of water pumped. Pumps ran for a total of 459 hours. Lift station ran for a total of 64 hours and pumped out 768,000 gallons. The Village is still pumping an average of 1 million gallons each month unaccounted for. Heyen called in Ne Rural Water Association to help check for leaks. None were found. Union is located over water tables and may not see leaking water come to the surface. It gets absorbed into the underground tables. Pioneer Excavating came out to bid street repair in the Birch and Ash Court additions. Maintenance and Chairman approved. Firehouse roof is still leaking after Heyen tarred spots that he saw had water penentration. Union United Inc. Report: Concessions Stand up and running at the Ball Park. Clean Up weekend was a success. New Business: Craig from Spiral Communications came to brief the board on their business and desire to bring a new phone and internet service into Union. They have been installing service in Nebraska City over the past 9 months and in Eastern Iowa for four years. A sample contract was presented for review. Clerk has been getting many complaints about dogs running at large in the community. The Board suggested the clerk talk to other small communities and see how they handle these issues. The Board also suggested if the dog issues become too numerous that a letter be sent with ordinances pertaining to pets, and a reminder to register dogs so strays can be reunited with their owners quickly. Seyler motioned to approve Interlocal Agreement with the Union Rural Fire Board for insurance purposes. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to contract with Midwest Farmerís Coop for 1500 gallons of propane at $1.12 per gallon, prepaid, for the upcoming winter season and to participate in the summer fill at $ .99. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 7:44pm. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2015, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 10, 2015 The June Regular meeting was called to order at 7:02pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Minutes of the May Regular Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Vidlak motioned to approveMay Board Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Vidlak motioned to approve June Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. JUNE CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS NPPD FIREBARN* $ 78.85 WATER PUMP $ 511.37 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 22.11 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 61.01 BALLFIELD $ 56.10 ALA HALL $ 45.76 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 64.99 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 91.16 MELISSA HANSEN $ 837.38 MAY PAY STEVE HEYEN $ 1516.15 MAY PAY STEVE C HEYEN $ 196.83 MAY TEMP PAY NPHEL $ 46.00 WATER TESTS/NITRATES/COLIFORM ODEYS $ 498.00 INFIELD CONDITIONER SORENSENíS TREE & $ 450.00 1ST APPLICATION/TREES SPRAY BALLFIELD AREA RIC ORTMEIER $ 2888.00 FY14/15 BUDGET AND FY 13/14 AUDIT WAIVER DAKOTA PUMP $ 99.86 LIFT STATION FLOATS JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 325.92 GAS/TRUCK/CANS/MOWER ACE HARDWARE $ 55.92 FUSES KERNS EXCAVATING $ 1034.70 BIRCH DR DIG CHASE BANK $ 15772.50 FINAL STREET BOND INTEREST AND PRINCIPLE $ 25,299.60 JUNE CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 104,268.35 FUND BALANCES AS OF JUNE 9, 2015 $ 1,334.06 DEPOSITS FOR JUNE 10, 2015 $ 19,218.19 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 99,521.00 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE ñ Received request to meet with communications contractor about adding more equipment for lease on water tower. Notified company that Union is not interested in adding more equipment due to contract conflicts. CLERK REPORT ñ DMV Request for records completed for fire truck bonded title. Registered letter with return receipt sent to business address reported on DMV record. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported 2,285,000 gallons of water pumped. Pumps ran for a total of 1083 hours. Lift station ran for a total of 101 hours and pumped out 1,212,000 gallons. Floats at lift station brought one pump down and was repaired. The Village is still pumping and losing water. Heyen increased the water pressure on pumps to force leaking water to the surface. Hydrants around the Baptist Church and Unity Park may be leaking and the plastic lines installed in the Birch and Ash Court Additions make it difficult to detect leakage there. There may also be a leak at the hydrants in school yard. Street work in the circles has been delayed due to weather. Union United Inc. Report: In April and May four cats were neutered and vaccinated as part of Unionís Trap Neuter and Release (TNR) program . Welcome sign landscaping has been accomplished. Main Street flower boxes have been painted and will be planted soon. UU didnít receive any grant funds to improve the caboose. New locks will be installed to secure it from being further vandalized until a date to work on the caboose is scheduled. The concessions stand is up and running during ballgames. UU awarded a $1000 sponsorship to the Union Dirtdevils to defray the cost of umpire fees. The 5th Annual Union United Inc., Golf Tournament is scheduled for August 22th at 2:00pm. New Business: The Board reviewed the Nebraska Department of Economic Development contract for Community Development Block Grant Funding for the Comprehensive Plan. Vidlak motioned to approve contract. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. The Board reviewed the SENDD Professional Services agreement for maintenance of the CDBG Grant as required by the Nebraska Department of Economic Development. Vidlak motioned to approve the SENDD contract. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. The Board received one sealed bid for the auction of the Ford F-250 Pickup and snow blade. Vidlak motioned to award the truck to Bescheinen Earthmoving for $1220.00. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to approve the Seyler familyís request to permit alcohol and fireworks at the Park Pavilion and Ball Field for their annual 4th of July party. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to adjourn at 7:23pm. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 8, 2015, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office. Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES June 19, 2015 The Union Village Board met in special session on June 19, 2015 to discuss and approve the audit waiver resolution for the financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2014. On Roll Call: Hardbarger ñ Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye, Brown ñ Absent. The clerk called the meeting to order at 7:05pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. Boardman motioned to appoint Vidlak as acting chairman in Hardbargerís absence. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustees votes are as follows: Hardbarger-Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye, Brown ñ Absent. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to approve the Audit Waiver Resolution for fiscal year ending September 30, 2014. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustees votes are as follows: Hardbarger-Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye, Brown ñ Absent. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 7:07pm. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustees votes are as follows: Hardbarger-Absent, Vidlak ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye, Brown ñ Absent. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 8, 2015, 7pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office. Dwain H. Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES JULY 8, 2015 The July Regular meeting was called to order at 7:01pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Minutes of the June Regular Board Meeting and Special Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Boardman motioned to approve June Special Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to approve June Regular Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Vidlak motioned to approve July Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. JULY 2015 CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS NPPD FIREBARN* $ 92.23 WATER PUMP $ 746.29 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 22.11 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 103.43 BALLFIELD $ 103.15 ALA HALL $ 62.20 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 64.99 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 91.16 MELISSA HANSEN $ 872.56 JUNE PAY MELISSA HANSEN $ 38.87 MILEAGE BANK/OFFICE DEPOT STEVE HEYEN $ 1478.25 JUNE PAY STEVE C HEYEN $ 190.47 JUNE TEMP PAY LIGHT BULBS ETC. $ 274.00 HALOGEN BULBS FOR FIELD (50) HD SUPPLY&WATER $ 2040.00 YEARLY SUPPORT CONTRACT UTILITY SVC CO $ 2098.62 QUARTERLY TOWER MAINT PAYMENT DEPT OF TREASURY $ 72.32 PENALTY AND INTEREST MIDWEST FARMERS COOP $ 199.68 PROPANE SUMMER FILL JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 359.97 GAS/TRUCK/CANS/190.00 $ 9,366.87 JULY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 88,742.43 FUND BALANCES AS OF JULY 8, 2015 $ 777. 42 DEPOSITS FOR JU LY 8, 2015 $ 19,218.19 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 99,371.17 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE-UNISON Site Management sent a letter informing the village that they would like to speak with us about our cell property. I am pretty sure we donít own the lease on the cell tower. MAPA sent a letter asking for $50 to support the metropolitan planning program. Ne Rural Water sent pamphlet for certified training class about small system sustainability tools and self-assessment. Audit Waiver was accepted by the Auditor of Public Accounts. Blue Rivers Area Agency on Agency is asking for support in the amount of $300 for ride operations to Lincoln in our community. Resident sent in note to ask for guidance on swimming pool policy with questions like: How are they billed? Do they require fences? Whose insurance is responsible for accidents? Will the Village be held liable if an accident occurs? CLERK REPORT - Received Title Request documents back in the mail. Richards Motors and Equipment Co. did not pick up certified letter with return receipt I sent proving the business no longer exists. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported 2,155,000 gallons of water pumped. Pump 1 ran for 458 hours and 2 for 334 hours. Lift station ran for a total of 101 hours. Flushable wipes have been getting caught in lift station floats and burning up the vacuum pumps in the lift station. Union United Inc. Report: The 5th Annual Union United Inc., Golf Tournament is August 22th at 2:00pm. The event is being planned and sponsorship letters are going out soon. New Business: Vidlak motioned to approve Procurement Procedures Code of Conduct. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to adopt Resolution 004-15: A policy to prohibit the use of excessive force against non-violent civil rights demonstrators. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adopt Resolution 004-15: A policy to oppose discrimination in the acquisition, ownership, possession or enjoyment of housing; to assist aggrieved persons in filing complaints by providing certain information. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak introduced : A Franchise Ordinance: An Ordinance of Union (ìVillageî) to grant Spiral Communications, 800 Central Ave, Nebraska City, NE 68410 ( ìFranchiseeî), a nonexclusive telecommunication cable, fiber optic cable, coaxial cable, or other communication cable (collectively, ìcommunication cablesî) and broadband service franchise to install, operate, maintain, or otherwise locate [communication cables and/or conductors, operate a broadband system or similar communications system, and provide broadband services or similar services in the Village of Union; setting forth the terms and conditions accompanying the grant of said franchise; to repeal all ordinance and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; to provide an effective date; and to publish said ordinance in pamphlet form. Vidlak read the title of ìA Franchise Ordinanceî and Seyler motioned to suspend the rules of the three separate reading and that ordinance, ìA Franchise Ordinanceî be considered for passage on the same day upon reading by title only and then placed on final passage. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak read the title of ìA Franchise Ordinanceî again and Seyler and Vidlak read A Franchise Ordinance in its entirety. Vidlak motioned to pass ìA Franchise Ordinanceî. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Boardman answered questions about the AED located at the Fire House. The AED came out of the Rescue Squad owned and operated by the Village. The Rural Fire Board claimed that it is the Villageís equipment and needs to be maintained solely by it. Seyler motioned to purchase three sets of pads and a four year battery for the AED and for it to be used by the community as needed. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 8:10 pm. 2nd by Vidlak. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for August 12, 2015, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office. Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate. VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 12, 2015 The August Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Minutes of the July Regular Board Meeting were reviewed. Seyler motioned to approve July Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Vidlak motioned to approve August Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. AUGUST 2015 CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS NPPD FIREBARN* $ 107.31 WATER PUMP $ 875.52 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 22.11 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 91.83 BALLFIELD $ 104.56 ALA HALL $ 42.51 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 65.09 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 92.14 MELISSA HANSEN $ 898.90 JULY PAY AGRIVISION $ 73.20 MOWER PARTS STEVE HEYEN $ 1625.69 JULY PAY STEVE C HEYEN $ 126.98 JULY TEMP PAY BALL INS. SERVICES $ 798.00 LIFE/AD&D INSURANCE FIRE AND OFFICIALS KERNS EXCAVATING $ 628.65 WATER LEAK REPAIRED A ST. PIONEER EXCAVATING $13046.00 STREET REPAIR ASH AND BIRCH COURT OLSSON ASSOCIATES $ 100.00 LANE MILE REPORT JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 482.30 GAS/TRUCK/CANS/190.00 $ 19,857.34 AUGUST CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 91,364.48 FUND BALANCES AS OF AUGUST 12, 2015 $ 19,218.19 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 90,725.33 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE-Received notice from Waste Connections of Nebraska, Inc. of a 3% increase in trash removal services for Union residents effective Oct. 1, 2015. ISO sent the results of the Public Protection Classification survey conducted for Union. The results were 08, 08/08x, 9/10. More research needs to be done to understand the ratings. CLERK REPORT - Clerk is gathering necessary documents to complete the bonded title request for the í53 Fire Truck. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported 2,254,000 gallons of water pumped. Pump 1 ran for 289 hours and 3 for 544 hours. Lift station ran for a total of 173 hours. The roof is still leaking in the Fire Department office in the Fire Barn despite tarring. Heyen reported that he needs gravel to repair street and alleys. Hardbarger told him to have Martin Marieta deliver what he needs. Also, there is an elm tree that needs to be removed in park area near Tellezís. He will determine what property it actually resides on. Union United Inc. Report: Grapes were harvested on the 15th at Union Hill Vineyard. The 5th Annual Union United Inc., Golf Tournament is August 22th at 2:00pm. New Business: Vidlak motioned to approve the four factor analysis for the assessment of Limited English Proficiency and Language Assistance Plan for CDBG funding. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to approve reissued CDGB Contract #14PP0019Village of Union Comprehensive Plan and Street Improvement Plan. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to adopt Resolution 006-15: League Association of Risk Management Renewal 2015/2016 Resolution for Union RFD. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to pass Resolution 007-15 to adopt Lower Platte South Natural Resources District Multi-Jurisdictional hazard Mitigation Plan. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 7:20 pm. 2nd by Vidlak. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Absent. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2015, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office. Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 The September Regular meeting was called to order at 7:03pm at the ALA Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Vidlak motioned to open the Annual Budget Hearing at 7:04pm 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to close Annual Budget Hearing at 7:07pm. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to open hearing for the final tax request. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to close hearing at 7:15pm. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to pass allowable growth increase of 1%. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to adopt 2015/2016 budget as prepared. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to set property tax rate at 0.486438. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Minutes of the August Regular Board Meeting were reviewed. Seyler motioned to approve August 12 Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Vidlak motioned to approve September Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Brown. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. SEPTEMBER 2015 CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS NPPD FIREBARN* $ 124.20 WATER PUMP $ 529.53 FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 22.11 TOWER (WATER) $ 22.11 AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.44 STREETLIGHTS $ 611.00 SEWER PUMP $ 96.14 BALLFIELD $ 69.04 ALA HALL $ 43.99 WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 65.09 WINDSTREAM FIRE $ 91.78 MELISSA HANSEN $ 898.91 AUG PAY SENDD $ 345.00 SENDD MEMBERSHIP/HOUSING DUES STEVE HEYEN $ 1461.85 AUG PAY STEVE C HEYEN $ 203.17 AUG TEMP PAY MARTIN MARIETTA $ 354.04 GRAVEL KERNS EXCAVATING $ 805.00 WATER LEAK REPAIRED C ST. LARM $14355.98 VILLAGE & VFD INSURANCE PREMIUMS LONM $ 643.00 LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP/UTILITIES DUES JOHNSONíS GAS N GO $ 462.14 TOWN/60.50/STEVETRUCK/216.64/CANS/184.00 $ 21,217.52 SEPTEMBER CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 93,357.43 FUND BALANCES AS OF SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 $ 1,454.21 Deposits for 9/9/2015 $ 19,223.14 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 92,817.26 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE- AT&T has sent us documents to modify our lease agreement. Our attorney has been given a copy for review. CLERK REPORT - The results of our ISO Public Protection Classification survey were 08, 08/08x, 9/10. After a little research I determined that the ratings were assigned to the public water supplies in support of the Union Rural Fire Board. 08 is the village, 08/08x is Cass County Rural Water, 9/10 is Otoe County Rural Water. 1 is the highest rating and 10 the lowest. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported 965,000 gallons of water pumped. Lift station processed 3,792,000 gallons, possibly due to the heavy rain. Heyen reported that he is trying to kill pond lilies in the lagoons and may need to use Round-Up. Nitrates were reported at 9.8 which may also be attributed to heavy rains. The maximum allowed is 10. DHHS told Heyen to pump from both wells. One is significantly higher in nitrates than the other. Heyen will do some research on what can be done if we donít use the well with higher levels. The McClanesí water meter is under water in the pit and unable to be read. Heyen may need to raise the meter above water level and determine if itís still below frost line. The roof at the Fire Hall was still leaking over the Volunteer Fire Office. More tar was added and seems good after last storm. Chairman added that the village may have to look into a foam coating if leak persists. The John Deere is leaking oil. Heyen is working on solving the issue. Fire Report- Aug 2014 through August 2015 Stewart sent an email to report 19 fires; 6 with Nehawka, 2 with Murray. No Rescue Assists reported. Greg Bruce was present and asked the Board if the Union Volunteers could host an extrication class behind the Fire Station with Nehawka Volunteers. Chairman approved the joint training with the condition that the vehicle and mess be removed in a timely manner. Union United Inc. Report: Grapes Harvest on the 15th at Union Hill Vineyard brought in about $500 and the 5th Annual Union United Inc., Golf Tournament brought in around $2000. Fall Highway Clean-up will be scheduled soon. Old Business: The Union Health Board is revisiting Nuisance Sites. Pictures were taken at the Hall Residence to show new siding has not been sealed and is rotting. Chairman asked the clerk to send a letter to the Hallís reminding them what the Board has requested they accomplish. Vidlak motioned to approve the LEP Four Factor analysis with actual LEP data as requested by NDED as a condition for approving CDGB funding. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. New Business: Vidlak motioned to approve SENDD membership and Housing membership. 2nd by Boardman. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to approve League of Nebraska Municipalities membership and Utilities Section membership. 2nd by Seyler. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. Seyler motioned to adjourn at 7:43 pm. 2nd by Vidlak. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Hardbarger ñ Aye, Boardman ñ Aye, Vidlak ñ Aye, Seyler ñ Aye and Brown - Aye. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for October 14, 2015, 7 pm at the ALA Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Branch of the Nehawka Bank, and the Union Post Office. Dwain Hardbarger, Jr. Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate