VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 8, 2020 Chairman Seyler called the monthly meeting for January to order at 7:02pm at the Union Fire Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. Minutes of the December Regular Board Meeting were reviewed. Eaton motioned to approve December11th Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Ruby. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. Claims and Accounts were presented. Vidlak motioned to approve January Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Eaton. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. JANUARY 2020 CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS WATER PUMP $ 462.45 (EFT) WATER FUND FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 93.07 (EFT) FIRE FUND TOWER (WATER) $ 120.04 (EFT) WATER FUND AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.04 (EFT) GENERAL FUND STREETLIGHTS $ 556.66 (EFT) STREET FUND LIFT STATION $ 110.63(EFT) SEWER FUND BALLFIELD $ 85.26 (EFT) PARK FUND MAINTENANCE SHOP $ 34.21 (EFT) GENERAL FUND CHRISTMAS LIGHTS $ 34.21 (EFT) STREET FUND CABOOSE $ 34.21 (EFT) GENERAL FUND WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 76.90 (EFT) GENERAL FUND JOHNSONS $ 310.30 GAS STEVE TRUCK (CHECK- C) GENERAL FUND NE DEPT OF REVENUE $ 360.53 SALES TAXES (EFT) GENERAL FUND NE DEPT OF REVENUE $ 388.78 QUARTERLY WITHHOLDING TAXES (EFT) GENERAL FUND USPS $ 70.00 POSTCARD STAMPS 2 ROLLS (C) WATER/SEWER FUNDS US TREASURY $ 2122.40 QUARTERLY WITHHOLDING TAXES (EFT) GENERAL FUND NDEE $ 150.00 WASTE WATER LICENSE RENEWAL SEWER FUND NPHEL $ 16.40 NITRATE TESTS(D) WATER FUND MELISSA HANSEN $ 1061.68 DEC PAY(C) WATER,SEWER, GENERAL,STREET FUNDS STEVE HEYEN $ 1634.50 DEC PAY(C) WATER,SEWER, STREET, GENERAL FUNDS MEESKE’S HARDWARE $ 591.75 SALT, MISC MAINTENACE SUPPLIES STREET, WATER, GENERAL FUNDS UTILITY SERVICE CO. $ 2585.71 QUARTERLY TOWER MAINTENANCE PAYMENT WATER FUND ONE CALL CONCEPTS $ .70 DIGGERS HOTLINE (D) GENERAL FUND CARRAWAY COMPUTERS $ 678.30 YEARLY SUPPORT CONTRACT AND BILLING CARDS (C) WATER/SEWER FUNDS INTUIT $ 6.33 MONTHLY PAYROLL FEE (EFT) GENERAL FUND $ 11,598.06 JANUARY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 136,205.06 FUND BALANCES AS OF JANUARY 8, 2020 $ 1691.82 PENDING DEPOSITS $ 29,987.80 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 156,286.62 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE- The clerk received the Keep Cass County Beautiful membership renewal letter asking us to continue our support. The State Fire Marshal’s Office sent notice that they approved a permit for the installation of an above ground gas tank for Johnson’s Gas N Go. CLERK REPORT – NTR Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported the well pumps ran for 488 hours, pumping 1,668,000 gallons of water. Lift station ran for approximately 182 hours, pumping 2,204,000 gallons of wastewater. Heyen reported that the South lagoon looks like it is ready to spill over. Upon inspection he noticed that overflow pipes for the three lagoons have rusted off and fallen into the lagoons. The drawings showed that there should be two on the East lagoon and one on the South. In order for the system to operate properly they need to be repaired or replaced. Heyen is working on a plan to repair them. Fire Report- NTR Union United Inc. Report: NTR NEW BUSINESS: The Health Board met and decided that the Kowalskis are making slow progress. They will meet again on January 12th and see how much is left to do to satisfy the Board’s resolution and take action at February’s Board meeting. Richard Burch, representing the Midwest Assistance Program, after assisting the clerk with the USDA yearly reporting suggested that the Village increase the Sewer rates to keep the Sewer Fund in the black. The system has ongoing infiltration issues that need to be repaired and will deplete available funds. The water system is aging also and the infrastructure is outdated. The system has been leaking millions of gallons and these areas need to be located and repaired. Based on these circumstances, the Board discussed increasing the water and sewer base fees a dollar and usage over the first thousands gallons fifty cents per thousand gallons. Resolutions will be passed at the February Board meeting. Crook motioned to adjourn at 7:44 pm. 2nd by Eaton. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 12, 2020 at 7 pm at the Union Fire Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Junktion, and the Union Post Office. Charles J. Seyler II Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate