VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 2020 Chairman Seyler called the monthly meeting for February to order at 7:00pm at the Union Fire Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. Minutes of the January Regular Board Meeting were reviewed. Ruby motioned to approve January 8th Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Eaton. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Eaton motioned to approve February Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Ruby. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. Motion approved. FEBRUARY 2020 CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS WATER PUMP $ 535.31 (EFT) WATER FUND FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 104.55 (EFT) FIRE FUND TOWER (WATER) $ 130.94 (EFT) WATER FUND AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.04 (EFT) GENERAL FUND STREETLIGHTS $ 556.66 (EFT) STREET FUND LIFT STATION $ 126.17(EFT) SEWER FUND BALLFIELD $ 85.26 (EFT) PARK FUND MAINTENANCE SHOP $ 34.21 (EFT) GENERAL FUND CHRISTMAS LIGHTS $ 34.21 (EFT) STREET FUND CABOOSE $ 34.21 (EFT) GENERAL FUND WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 77.46 (EFT) GENERAL FUND JOHNSONS $ 606.10 GAS STEVE TRUCK/VILLAGE TRUCK/$254.02 (CHECK- C) GENERAL & STREET FUND S NE DEPT OF REVENUE $ 302.34 SALES TAXES (EFT) GENERAL FUND TRACTOR SUPPLY CO $ 170.71 ROCK SALT (C) SEWER FUND USPS $ 54.40 FIRST CLASS STAMPS & MAILINGS(C) GENERAL FUND B & S TRUCKING $ 490.00 EXCAVATION AND WATER LINE REPAIR(C) WATER FUND DELUXE CHECKS $ 83.50 CHECK ORDER (EFT) GENERAL FUND OLSSON $ 117.79 STREET SUPERINTENDENT SERVICES(C) STREET FUND MCAFEE $ 94.94 ANTI-VIRUS 2YR SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL (D) GENERAL FUND REGISTER OF DEEDS $ 16.00 FILING FEES (C) WATER FUND NPHEL $ 15.38 COLIFORM TESTS (D) WATER FUND MEESKES HARDWARE $ 491.14 ROCK SALT & MISC/$41.39 (C) STREET & GENERAL FUNDS MELISSA HANSEN $ 1437.33 JAN PAY(C) WATER, SEWER, GENERAL FUNDS MELISSA HANSEN $ 36.00 MILEAGE AND POSTAGE (OCT – JAN)(C) GENERAL FUND STEVE C HEYEN $ 125.60 JAN PAY(C) STREET FUND TOBY HEYEN $ 40.00 SALT APPLICATION(C) STREET FUND STEVE HEYEN $ 1981.53 JAN PAY(C) WATER,SEWER, STREET, GENERAL FUNDS LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR $ 80.30 MINUTES PUBLISHING (D) GENERAL FUNDS INTUIT $ 6.33 MONTHLY PAYROLL FEE (EFT) GENERAL FUND $ 7,915.62 FEBRUARY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 140,369.36 FUND BALANCES AS OF FEBRUARY 12, 2020 $ 1262.20 PENDING DEPOSITS $ 32,183.80 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 165,899.74 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE- The clerk received a phone call from Steve McNulty with the State of Nebraska State Revolving Fund department. They received our needs survey and are concerned with the state of our public water operations. Mr. McNulty conveyed that they received 400 surveys this year and we are one of four cases on his desk that he needs more information on in order to put our needs in front of the decision panel. We discussed the three issues our community is facing in high nitrates, leaking infrastructure and copper levels in our households. The process, if we are approved, going forward will require marshalling what resources we have properly. We will need to perform studies to see what options will be the most cost effective going forward and village leaders need to be aware of funding opportunities available to us. CLERK REPORT – The clerk contacted Olsson and notified them of our situation with public water needs survey. They are prepared to discuss financing resources as necessary. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported the well pumps ran for 495 hours, pumping 1,866,000 gallons of water. Lift station ran for approximately 192 hours, pumping 2,556,000 gallons of wastewater. Heyen reported a leak on A Street. They will work on it when weather permits. Heyen also notice a large sink hole on the hotel property. The Board said they want to address it as a nuisance before someone is injured. Fire Report- No one present to report. Union United Inc. Report: Spring Clean-up is scheduled for the weekend of April 18th. NEW BUSINESS: The Health Board met and visited the Kowalski property. They are in compliance with number of animals and the camper has been removed as requested. The Health Board decided the property is on track for complete abatement and will revisit when the weather gets nicer. Vidlak motioned to pass Resolution 20-1, Signing of the Year-end Certification of Street Superintendent. 2nd by Eaton. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to pass Resolution 20-2, Setting the Water Rates, 2nd by Eaton. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to pass Resoltution 20-3, Setting the Sewer Rates, 2nd by Eaton. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. Motion approved. Ruby motioned to sponsor Keep Cass County Beautiful this year in the amount of $250.00. 2nd by Crook. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Abstained, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. Motion approved. Vidlak motioned to adjourn at 7:32 pm. 2nd by Crook. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Crook- Aye. Motioned approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2020 at 7 pm at the Union Fire Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Junktion, and the Union Post Office. Charles J. Seyler II Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate