VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 11, 2020 Chairman Seyler called the monthly meeting for November monthly meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the Union Fire Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Seyler – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Crook – Aye and Ruby - Absent. Minutes of the October Board Meeting were reviewed. Vidlak motioned to approve October Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Crook. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Crook – Aye and Ruby - Absent. Motioned approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Eaton motioned to approve November Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Vidlak. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Crook – Aye and Ruby - Absent. Motioned approved. NOVEMBER 2020 CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS WATER PUMP $ 525.39 (EFT) WATER FUND FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 103.80 (EFT) FIRE FUND TOWER (WATER) $ 141.39 (EFT) WATER FUND AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.04 (EFT) GENERAL FUND STREETLIGHTS $ 449.51 (EFT) STREET FUND LIFT STATION $ 78.46 (EFT) SEWER FUND BALLFIELD $ 85.26 (EFT) PARK FUND MAINTENANCE SHOP $ 34.21 (EFT) GENERAL FUND CABOOSE $ 34.21 (EFT) GENERAL FUND WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 77.92 (EFT) GENERAL FUND JOHNSONS GAS $ 209.94 GAS STEVE TRUCK/MOWER/MONTANA ( C) GENERAL FUND NE DEPT OF REVENUE $ 293.97 SALES TAXES (EFT) GENERAL FUND DAKOTA PUMP $ 74.28 LIFT STATION -SPRINGS FOR LID (C) SEWER FUND CAPITAL ONE COMM $ 203.02 MENARDS PURCHASE FOR WELL HOUSE WATER FUND NPHEL $ 15.37 COLIFORM TESTS (D) WATER FUND LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR $ 189.96 PUBLISHING, 3 MONTHS OF MINUTES, 2 HEARINGS (C) GENERAL, STREET FUNDS REAGAN HEYEN $ 20.00 2 HRS. CLEAN UP (C) GENERAL FUND MELISSA HANSEN $ 1437.33 OCT PAY (C) WATER, SEWER, GENERAL AND STREET FUNDS STEVE HEYEN $ 1504.36 OCT PAY (C) WATER, SEWER, GENERAL, PARK AND STREET FUNDS STEVE C HEYEN $ 157.00 OCT PAY (C) WATER AND SEWER FUNDS STEVE HEYEN $ 25.97 HARDWARE FOR LIFT STATION GATE (C) SEWER FUND INTUIT $ 6.00 MONTHLY PAYROLL FEE (EFT) GENERAL FUND MICROSOFT $ 158.25 OFFICE 2019 GENERAL FUND USPS $ 70.00 POSTCARD STAMPS WATER AND SEWER FUNDS $ 7,314.66 NOVEMBER CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 163,441.03 FUND BALANCES AS OF NOV 10, 2020 $ 2,592.93 PENDING DEPOSITS $ 32,203.87 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 190,923.17 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE-Cass County Zoning Inspection report was received and revealed that caboose deck is unsafe. Contractor is being notified of things that need to be corrected. The clerk received complaints about aggressive dogs on C Street and Public Input Notice for NDOT Weeping Water Spur project. CLERK REPORT – The clerk finished the Street Budget and filed the One and Six Year Street Plan. USDA Reports for the Sewer Financials were completed and emailed to appropriate USDA contact. The clerk is currently working on a suitable recycling contract. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported that the well pumps operated for 510 hours pumping 1,823,000 gallons of water. Lift station processed 1,224,000 gallons of wastewater, running for approximately 100 hours. Power at the Lift Station went out. Well house security repairs were not completed on schedule, due to Heyen being sick. Concrete to finish water leak repairs and sewer repair should be delivered on November 13th. Fire Report- Kevin Gerken was present to report one fire due to downed power lines. The department has been working on vehicle maintenance. Union United Inc. Report: Union United received about $700 from the August grape harvest. A contractor will be correcting issues with caboose deck. The group is working on the landscaping at the caboose site. OLD BUSINESS: Nebraska Recycling Council Support agenda item was killed. NEW BUSINESS: Vidlak motioned to approve Resolution 20-11: Signing of the Year End Certification of City Street Superintendent 2020. 2nd by Ruby. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Crook – Aye and Ruby - Aye. Motioned approved. The Chairman agreed to settle the balance left from tenants at 215 N 3rd for $250.00. Eaton motioned to adjourn 7:33 pm. 2nd by Vidlak. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Eaton – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Crook – Aye and Ruby - Aye. Motioned approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for December 9, 2020, 7 pm at the Union Fire Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Junktion, and the Union Post Office. Charles J. Seyler II Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate