VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2021 Chairman Seyler called the monthly meeting for January to order at 7:00 pm at the Union Fire Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Crook – Aye and Ruby – Aye, Hill - Absent. Minutes of the December Board Meeting were reviewed. Ruby motioned to approve December Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Crook. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Crook – Aye and Ruby – Aye, Hill - Absent. Motioned approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Ruby motioned to approve January Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Crook. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Crook – Aye and Ruby – Aye, Hill - Absent. Motion Approved. JANUARY 2021 CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS WATER PUMP $ 508.17 (EFT) WATER FUND FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 91.91 (EFT) FIRE FUND TOWER (WATER) $ 121.44 (EFT) WATER FUND AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 13.04 (EFT) GENERAL FUND STREETLIGHTS $ 449.51 (EFT) STREET FUND LIFT STATION $ 131.76 (EFT) SEWER FUND BALLFIELD $ 85.26 (EFT) PARK FUND MAINTENANCE SHOP $ 34.21 (EFT) GENERAL FUND CABOOSE $ 34.21 (EFT) GENERAL FUND CHRISTMAS LIGHTS $ 34.21 (EFT) STREET FUND WINDSTREAM OFFICE $ 78.58 (EFT) GENERAL FUND RESERVES TRANSFER $ 183.00 (EFT) JAN MONTHLY PAYMENT SEWER FUND JOHNSONS GAS $ 181.37 GAS STEVE TRUCK130.9/F55050.47 (C) GENERAL & STREET FUNDS NE DEPT OF REVENUE $ 360.04 SALES TAXES (EFT) GENERAL FUND ON THE BOOKS $ 487.50 QB CONSULTATION, COMPANY CREATION (EFT) GENERAL FUND NPHEL $ 31.77 COLIFORM & NITRATE TESTS (D) WATER FUND LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR $ 35.10 PUBLISH NOV MINUTES (C) GENERAL FUND ONE CALL CONCEPTS $ 3.07 DIGGERS HOTLINE Q4 (C) GENERAL FUND MEESKE HARDWARE $ 10.78 SUPPLIES TOILET REPAIR (C) GENERAL FUND MELISSA HANSEN $ 1439.33 DEC PAY (C) WATER, SEWER, GENERAL STEVE C HEYEN $ 643.68 DEC PAY (C) WATER, SEWER, STREETS STEVE HEYEN $ 1102.84 DEC PAY (C) WATER, SEWER, GENERAL, AND STREET FUNDS OLSSON $ 139.47 ONE- AND SIX-YEAR PLAN (C) STREET FUND INTUIT $ 6.33 MONTHLY PAYROLL FEE (EFT) GENERAL FUND B & S TRUCKING $ 1680.00 SEWER LINE REPAIR 126 W MAIN STREET(C) SEWER FUND RIC ORTMEIER $ 2700.00 AUDIT WAIVER & BUDGET PREP (C) GENERAL FUND USPS $ 70.00 POSTCARD STAMPS (C) WATER AND SEWER FUNDS NE DEPT OF REVENUE $ 494.83 Q4 WITHHOLDING TAXES (EFT) GENERAL FUND US TREASURY $ 2551.20 Q4 WITHHOLDING TAXES (C) GENERAL FUND $ 13,584.61 JANUARY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 178,444.35 GENERAL FUND BALANCE AS OF JANUARY 12, 2021 $ 0 PENDING DEPOSITS $ 32,756.93 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT + 183.00 SEWER RESERVE TRANSFER FOR JANUARY $ 197,799.67 TOTAL IN VILLAGE ACCOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE-The clerk received an email from the State APA Office wanting clarification on our Street Fund and why it is approximately $50,000 in the negative. After talking to our accountant, the State has never required a separation in the reporting of restricted funds in an audit waiver. The negative number just reflected the activity in the Street Fund without General Fund deposits as required by the NDOT. Clerk sent the accountant Street Income and Expense report information from Quick Books with appropriate transfers and current balance to adjust the report to accommodate the APA’s office. CLERK REPORT – The clerk met with a Quick Books expert to help stream line our Quick Books company set-up and processes. She created a new Company that reflects, more typically, how the program is used by other organizations. Village Maintenance Report: Kim Heyen was present to report that the well pumps operated for 520 hours, pumping 1,873,000 gallons of water. Lift station processed 1,800,000 gallons of wastewater, running for approximately 84 hours. Maintenance responded to two water leaks in town, one at the Brazzle’s house after the fire and the other at the hotel. Fire Report- No one present to give the report. Union United Inc. Report: NTR NEW BUSINESS: Vidlak read Ordinance 1-107.1 by its title: Salaries. Vidlak read the title again and motioned to waive the three readings for its adoption. 2nd Crook. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Crook – Aye and Ruby – Aye, Hill - Absent. Motion approved. Vidlak read the Ordinance 1-107.1: Salaries, in its entirety and motioned to adopt Ordinance 1-107.1: Salaries. 2nd by Ruby. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Crook – Aye and Ruby – Aye, Hill - Absent. Motion approved. Ruby motioned to adjourn 7:14 pm. 2nd by Crook. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Vidlak – Aye, Crook – Aye and Ruby – Aye, Hill - Absent. Motioned approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 10, 2021, 7 pm at the Union Fire Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Junktion, and the Union Post Office. Charles J. Seyler II Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate