VILLAGE OF UNION BUDGET HEARING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 Crook motioned to open the budget hearing at 7:20pm. 2nd by Hill. Trustee votes are as follows: Vidlak-Aye, Crook-Aye, Hill-Aye, Seyler-Absent, Ruby-Absent. Motion approved. The Board discussed not having enough trustees to pass the allowable growth increase with Seyler being out of town for work and Ruby being sick. Crook motioned to schedule another Budget Hearing for next week when at least four trustees can attend. 2nd by Hill. Trustee votes are as follows: Vidlak-Aye, Crook-Aye, Hill-Aye, Seyler-Absent, Ruby-Absent. Motion approved. Crook motioned to close the budget hearing at 7:22pm. 2nd by Hill. Trustee votes are as follows: Vidlak-Aye, Crook-Aye, Hill-Aye, Seyler-Absent, Ruby-Absent. Motion approved. Charles J. Seyler II Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate VILLAGE OF UNION BUDGET HEARING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 Hill motioned to open the Budget Hearing at 7:01pm. 2nd by Crook. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler-Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Crook-Aye, Hill-Aye, Ruby-Absent. Motion approved. The Clerk presented the 2022/23 Budget and pointed out items the Board wanted to fund this upcoming year. Vidlak motioned to close the Budget Hearing at 7:10pm. 2nd by Hill. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler-Aye, Vidlak-Aye, Crook-Aye, Hill-Aye, Ruby-Absent. Motion approved. Charles J. Seyler II Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate