VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2023 Chairman Seyler called the monthly meeting for January to order at 7:01 pm at the Union Fire Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Hill – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Fritschle- AYE. Minutes of the January Regular Board Meeting were reviewed. Fritschle motioned to approve January 11th Meeting Minutes. 2nd by Ruby. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Hill – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Fritschle - Aye. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Ruby motioned to approve February Claims and Accounts 2nd by Feek. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Hill – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Fritschle- Aye. Motion approved. FEBRUARY 2023 CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS NPPD: WATER PUMP $ 448.08 (EFT) WATER FUND FIREBARN (TOWN BLDG) $ 79.47 (EFT) FIRE FUND TOWER (WATER) $ 127.18 (EFT) WATER FUND AREA LIGHT RENTAL $ 11.44 (EFT) GENERAL FUND STREETLIGHTS $ 424.45 (EFT) STREET FUND LIFT STATION $ 141.11 (EFT) SEWER FUND BALLFIELD $ 78.95 (EFT) PARK FUND MAINTENANCE SHOP $ 34.36 (EFT) GENERAL FUND CABOOSE $ 31.58 (EFT) GENERAL FUND WINDSTREAM $ 89.01 (EFT) GENERAL FUND RESERVES TRANSFER $ 183.00 FEB MONTHLY TRANSFER (EFT) SEWER FUND CENEX FLEET FUELING $ 289.06 F550 70.58/R1500 190.30/DIESEL 15.49 (C) STREET & GENERAL FUNDS NE DEPT OF REVENUE $ 205.40 SALES TAXES (EFT) GENERAL FUND NPHEL $ 394.00 COLIFORM/MINERALS/GLYPHOSATE TESTING (C) WATER FUND PAPILLION SANITATION $ 318.50 RECYCLING (EFT) GENERAL FUND MELISSA HANSEN $ 1645.81 JANUARY PAY (C) WATER, SEWER & GENERAL FUNDS MICHAEL CONTRERAS $ 838.14 JANUARY PAY (C) WATER, SEWER, GENERAL STEVE HEYEN $ 2041.67 JANUARY PAY (C) WATER, SEWER, GENERAL, & STREET FUNDS INTUIT $ 15.00 PAYROLL FEE (EFT) GENERAL FUND US TREASURY $ 1104.78 MONTHLY DEPOSIT FOR WITHHOLDING (EFT) GENERAL FUND LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR $ 99.95 MINUTES PUBLISHING (C) GENERAL FUND USPS $ 96.00 200 POST CARD STAMPS WATER, SEWER FUNDS RIC ORTMEIER $ 1200.00 AUDIT WAIVER PREP (C) GENERAL FUND MEESKE HARDWARE $ 131.10 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES (C) GENERAL FUND LONM $ 65.00 WATER OPERATOR WORKSHOP WATER & SEWER FUNDS MENARDS COMMERCIAL $ 115.03 MAINTENCE SUPPLIES SHOP (EFT) GENERAL FUND OLSSON $ 220.21 STREET SUPERINTENDENT SERVICES STREET FUND STAPLES $ 176.40 OFFICE SUPPLIES (EFT) GENERAL FUND $ 10,604.68 FEBRUARY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS $ 167,438.81 GENERAL FUND BALANCE AS OF FEBRUARY 7, 2023 $ 6,209.93 PENDING DEPOSITS $ 37,183.56 SEWER RESERVE ACCOUNT $ 43,018.93 ARPA FUND ACCOUNT + 183.00 SEWER RESERVE TRANSFER FOR FEBRUARY $ 243,429.55 IN VILLAGE ACOUNTS AFTER CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS PAID CORRESPONDENCE- The clerk received a self- assessment survey from NDEE to be completed for our upcoming routine sanitary survey. CLERK REPORT – The village is still waiting on audit waiver approval, NDEE pre-application for water infrastructure problem, and signed contract with FEMA to proceed with siren installation. Village Maintenance Report: Steve Heyen reported the well pumps ran for 302 hours, pumping 1,756,000 gallons of water. Lift station processed 1,176,000 gallons of wastewater and ran for 98 hours. Elevated water levels due to a couple of leaks that were located and fixed and pumping into the sewer lagoons to maintain appropriate level. Fire Report- NTR Union United Inc. Report: Hansen reported that Spring Clean Up is scheduled for April 29th and 30th. There will be 2 roll-off containers for household trash, appliance and metal collection, and electronics recycling station. Vidlak brought a stray cat in for TNR program. She will be working on locating cats in the community that still need to be neutered and inoculated. The staff is working on a banner design for new banners for the light poles on Main St. New Business: The clerk explained that there is no longer a legal paper in the county, or in circulation within the village, that publishes legal notices, and comes within the pricing statutes set by the Nebraska legislature by State Statute 23-122 and LB-840 which passed in 2022. Ruby motioned to post meeting minutes prior to the next meeting at our three posting spots instead of publishing them, as outlined in State Statute 19-1102, until there is a paper in circulation that is publishing affordable legal notices. 2nd by Hill. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Hill – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Fritschle- Aye. Motion approved. Ruby motioned to adjourn at 7:24 pm. 2nd by Hill. By Roll, Trustee votes are as follows: Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Hill – Aye, Ruby – Aye and Fritschle- Aye. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 8, 2023 at 7 pm at the Union Fire Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Junktion, and the Union Post Office by March 3rd. Charles J. Seyler II Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate