The chairman called the special meeting to order at 7:16 pm at the Union Office/Fire Hall at 500 Main St. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference.  On roll call:  Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Absent, Ruby-Aye, Hill – Absent.

The Ford F550 that is used to plow snow and spread salt has been experiencing idling and transmission issues.  Heyen brought the vehicle to Mike at Michael’s Garage for repair.  Mike explained to Heyen that he is unable to absorb the cost of parts until the February meeting and asked Heyen to pay for the air flow sensor replacement work and has delayed ordering the new transmission to just before this special meeting so he can be paid right away for parts and labor for the transmission work.

Feek motioned to approve payment to reimburse Heyen for the sensor replacement in the amount of $268.28 and payment to Michael’s Garage for the transmission replacement in the amount of $5,316.12. 2nd by Ruby. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Absent, Ruby-Aye, Hill – Absent. Motion approved.

Ruby motioned to adjourn at 7:20 pm.  2nd by Feek.  By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Absent, Ruby-Aye, Hill – Absent. Motion approved.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2024 at the Union Fire Hall.  The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Junktion, and the Union Post Office by February 9, 2024.

Charles J. Seyler II


These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate