VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2024 Trustee Hill called the monthly meeting for February to order at 7:01 pm at the Union Office/Fire Hall at 500 Main St. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Feek motioned to appoint Laura Hill as the chairperson in Chairman Seyler’s absence. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. Minutes of the January Board Meetings were reviewed. Feek motioned to approve January 10 and January 24, 2024 meeting minutes. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Feek motioned to approve February Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Fritschle By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. FEBRUARY CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS Transfer from Sewer Operating to Sewer Reserve 183.00 CENEX FLEET FUELING FUEL FOR VEHICLES 446.72 DAKOTA PUMP, INC LIFTSTATION ACCESS REPAIR SUPPLIES 228.25 LARM WORKERS COMP AUDIT BALANCE 214.32 Melissa Hansen JANUARY PAY 1,684.89 NE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SALES Sales Tax 192.76 NE PUBLIC HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER TESTS 320.00 NPPD UTILITIES 1,414.18 OLSSON STREET SUPERINTENDENT SERVICES 107.98 PAPILLION SANITATION RECYCLING 351.20 PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY STANDARDS, INC PEDIATRIC RESCUE SUPPLIES 570.97 RIC ORTMEIER AUDIT WAIVER PREPARATION 1,200.00 STEVE HEYEN REIMBURSEMENT MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 63.64 Steven Heyen JANUARY PAY 2,778.30 TAX1099.COM 1099-NEC EFILE 5.17 UNITED STATES TREASURY 47-0540397 QB Tracking # 1262766602 1,215.52 UTILITY SERVICE CO INC. QUARTERLY TOWER MAINTENANCE PAYMENT 2,973.57 WINDSTREAM UTILITIES - PHONE 105.07 TOTAL CLAIMS 14,055.54 Current Assets Checking/Savings 1001 · Operating Account 87,409.75 1002 · ARPA Checking 43,027.49 1370 · Sewer Reserve 39,619.34 Total Checking/Savings 170,056.58 Accounts Receivable 1200 · Accounts Receivable 9,221.77 Total Accounts Receivable 9,221.77 Other Current Assets 1300 · Undeposited Funds 4,900.58 Total Other Current Assets 4,900.58 Total Current Assets 184,178.93 TOTAL ASSETS 184,178.93 CORRESPONDENCE – The clerk received a letter that the Audit Waiver for 2022-23 has been accepted by the Nebraska Auditor of Public Accounts. CLERK REPORT – Clerk has completed all the end of quarter and year activities. Village Maintenance Report – Heyen reported 1,617,000 gallons of water metered and pumps ran for 300 hours. The lift station processed 1,392,000 gallons over the past two months. F550 repairs have been made and the vehicle is running well. Fire/Rescue Report- NTR Union United Inc. Report: Spring Clean-up and Green-up will be scheduled for one of the last two weekends in April. New Business: The clerk presented the Keep Cass County Beautiful letter requesting renewal of Union’s yearly membership. Feek motioned to stay a member of KCCB with a donation of $250.00. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. Feek motioned to adjourn at 7:14pm. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 13, 2024 at the Union Fire Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Junktion, and the Union Post Office by March 8, 2024. Charles J. Seyler II Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate