VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 12, 2024 The Clerk called the monthly meeting for June to order at 7:02 pm at the Union Office/Fire Hall at 500 Main St. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Feek motioned to appoint Trustee Hill as Chair in the absence of Chairman Seyler. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. Minutes of the May Board Meeting minutes were reviewed. May minutes included the addition of US Treasury deposit, originally left off the approved claims. Feek motioned to approve May 8, 2024 Claims addition as well as the minutes as a whole. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Feek motioned to approve June Claims and Accounts By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. JUNE CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL-MENARDS POTHOLE PATCH 74.95 INTUIT QBOOKS PAYROLL FEES 18.00 Melissa Hansen MAY PAY 1,642.85 NE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SALES Sales Tax 162.72 NE PUBLIC HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER TESTS 31.00 NPPD UITLITIES-ELECTRICITY 1,203.56 PAPILLION SANITATION RECYCLE 341.26 SORENSEN'S TREE AND SHRUB CARE TREE FERTILIZATION 225.00 STEVE HEYEN REIMBURSE FOR SUMMER HELP 240.00 Steven Heyen MAY PAY 2,530.44 TOBY J HEYEN MAY PAY 684.90 UNITED STATES TREASURY 47-0540397 QB Tracking # 431055306 1,286.24 WILBUR-ELLIS HERBICIDES 475.43 WINDSTREAM UTILITIES-PHONE 105.51 9,021.86 ASSETS AND EQUITY as of: May 31, 24 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 1001 · Operating Account 132,143.33 1002 · ARPA Checking 43,026.29 1370 · Sewer Reserve 39,817.02 Total Checking/Savings 214,986.64 Accounts Receivable 1200 · Accounts Receivable 15,309.85 Total Accounts Receivable 15,309.85 Total Current Assets 230,296.49 TOTAL ASSETS 230,296.49 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities 838.16 Equity 3000 · Fund Balances 3100 · General Funds 3101 · Operating -26,255.92 3105 · Enterprise Lease 85,867.87 3140 · Park -17,851.33 3150 · Fire 21,216.86 3170 · American Rescue Plan 43,206.17 Total 3100 · General Funds 106,183.65 3300 · Special Revenue Funds 3310 · Streets 57,843.10 Total 3300 · Special Revenue Funds 57,843.10 3700 · Enterprise and Utility Funds 3710 · Water 8,624.13 3720 · Sewer 16,990.43 3721 · Sewer Reserve 39,817.02 Total 3700 · Enterprise and Utility Funds 65,431.58 Total 3000 · Fund Balances 229,458.33 Total Equity 229,458.33 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 230,296.49 CORRESPONDENCE – The clerk received emails from FEMA and NRD for action. Cass County is conducting a new Flood Insurance Study (FIS) which will be the document that is included in a new Flood Plain Ordinance that FEMA is requiring for our community. The NRD is conducting a hazard mitigation study and Union is required to fill out detailed surveys relating to the hazards our community has experience and is vulnerable to. CLERK REPORT – The new meter reading equipment is up and running properly after scheduling another appointment with Core and Main. Village Maintenance Report – Heyen reported 1,546,000 gallons of water metered and pumps ran for 268 hours. The lift station processed 996,000 gallons. Heyen also reported that he has been having issues with the brush pile. People have been dropping off banned items and logs that are too big to burn in a timely manner. Heyen suggested putting a gate and/or installing cameras. Heyen requested new tires for the RAM 1500. Trustee Hill authorized Heyen to get them replaced. Fire/Rescue Report- NTR Union United Inc. Report: NTR Old Business: A major residential leak has been fixed. The Village will bill the owner for the service after the invoice is received. The clerk will make a credit adjustment to the account for sewer charges since the leak was not in the house using the sewer system. The owner will have a few weeks to come up with a way to pay down their utility bill to under $500. The clerk received a check to bring another account in compliance and the third account has not made the required payment as of yet. New Business: The clerk mistakenly omitted item on batting cages from the April minutes. The amended April Minutes were reviewed. Fritschle motioned to approve April amended minutes. 2nd by Feek. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. Feek motioned to execute the prepaid propane contract with Frontier Coop for the 2024/25 season in the amount of 2,140 gallons at $1.55, minus last year’s credit, and to authorize a payment of $2354.51. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. Fritschle motioned to approve the building permit application for an enclosed porch. 2nd by Feek. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. The clerk requested increased per diem for her attendance at the Municipal Accounting Conference in Lincoln. The reduced rate room block was not available when she returned from vacation. Feek motioned to authorize $401 in lodging expenses, $23.50 in parking and up to $50 a day for food. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. Feek motioned to adjourn at 7:55 pm. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows: Seyler – Absent, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 10, 2024 at the Union Fire Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Junktion, and the Union Post Office by July 8, 2024. Charles J. Seyler II Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate