VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 9, 2024 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the Union Office/Fire Hall at 500 Main St. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Absent. Feek motioned to open One- and Six-Year Street Hearing. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Absent. Motion approved. The Clerk discussed the One-and-Six-Year Street plan of routine yearly maintenance and established the single project of paving Larue St. to the North, up and around Concessions and Pavilion around to B Street. Fritschle motioned to close the hearing at 7:04pm. 2nd by Feek. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Absent. Motion approved. Minutes of the September Board Meeting, Hearing Minutes and Special Meeting minutes were reviewed. Feek motioned to approve September 11, 2024 Meeting, September 18, 2024 Budget Hearing and 2024 Final Tax Request Hearing and September 18th Special Meeting minutes. 2nd by Feek. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Absent. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Feek motioned to approve October Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Absent. Motion approved. OCTOBER CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS Transfer from Sewer Operating to Sewer Reserve 183.00 B & S TRUCKING, LLC ALLEY AND GRAVEL REPAIR 3,034.50 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL-MENARDS WELL HOUSE RESIDING 949.85 CENEX FLEET FUELING FUEL FOR VEHICLES 226.10 CLERKBOOKS, INC. CLERKBOOK RENEWAL 200.00 CORE & MAIN WATER METERS 517.20 INTUIT QBOOKS PAYROLL FEES 21.00 LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR STREET HEARING LEGAL PUBLICATION 18.20 Melissa Hansen SEPTEMBER PAY 1,642.85 NE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 000567515 602.25 NE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SALES Sales Tax 180.76 NE PUBLIC HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER TESTS 255.00 NPPD ELECTRICITY 1,376.97 ONE CALL CONCEPTS DIGGER'S HOTLINE 5.98 PAPILLION SANITATION RECYCLING 349.96 RIC ORTMEIER 2024/25 BUDGET PREPARATION 2,000.00 SORENSEN'S TREE AND SHRUB CARE INSECTICIDE TREATMENT 275.00 Steven Heyen SEPTEMBER PAY 2,285.14 TOBY J HEYEN SEPTEMBER PAY 805.23 UNITED STATES TREASURY 47-0540397 QB Tracking # 2020703010 1,228.46 USPS FIRST CLASS STAMPS 73.00 WINDSTREAM PHONE 104.83 16,335.28 Sep 30, 24 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 1001 · Operating Account 165,631.27 1370 · Sewer Reserve 40,579.48 Total Checking/Savings 206,210.75 Accounts Receivable 1200 · Accounts Receivable 6,840.82 Total Accounts Receivable 6,840.82 Total Current Assets 213,051.57 TOTAL ASSETS 213,051.57 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities 473.03 Equity 3000 · Fund Balances 3100 · General Funds 3101 · Operating -15,424.96 3105 · Enterprise Lease 76,671.70 3140 · Park 1,990.10 3150 · Fire 17,801.86 Total 3100 · General Funds 81,038.70 3300 · Special Revenue Funds 3310 · Streets 71,936.31 Total 3300 · Special Revenue Funds 71,936.31 3700 · Enterprise and Utility Funds 3710 · Water 19,385.83 3720 · Sewer 4.22 3721 · Sewer Reserve 40,213.48 Total 3700 · Enterprise and Utility Funds 59,603.53 Total 3000 · Fund Balances 212,578.54 Total Equity 212,578.54 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 213,051.57 CORRESPONDENCE – The clerk received closeout notification of flood plain program self-assessment. CLERK REPORT – Budget was filed with the State Auditor and County Clerk. Street Expense, dispersements and budget reports prepared and sent to Street Superintendent. The clerk researched zoning ordinance in correspondence with Kevin Pike. Village Maintenance Report – Heyen reported 1,477,000 gallons of water metered and pumps ran for 259 hours. 475,000 gallons were dumped to the lagoons. The lift station processed 2,400,000 gallons. Heyen also reported that he located a leak 50 ft. E of Larue on B St. and has contacted B & S Trucking for repair. The well house exterior renovation is complete. Fire/Rescue – NTR. Union United Inc. Report: The 15th Annual Union United Golf Tournament was held September 28th and raised approximately $2,500. New Business: Lana was present to discuss the attack her dog made on her neighbor’s dog, and her response to the “Potentially Dangerous” Dog running-at-large letter she received from the clerk. Lana stated that she had installed electric underground fencing to contain her dogs. On the day of the incident, the collars were not charged and they were able to escape. She shared that she is recently widowed and maybe not have been as attentive as she should have. The dog in question is the dog she has for her protection. Lana explained that she only has a shock collar on the dog that is “potentially dangerous” and the puppy. One of the animals is more friendly and anxious about the collar, so she doesn’t want to use the collar on it. Lana agreed to ensure the collars are charged and to supervise the one that isn’t restrained when they are outside. Chairman Seyler decided and the Board members present agreed, that as long as the fence and collars are maintained properly to prevent escape, and the other dog is supervised, she will be allowed to keep the “potentially dangerous” dog within the corporate limits. Feek motioned to approve the building permit application for the Faris’ shouse improvement. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Absent. Motion approved. Kevin Pike was present to turn in his permit application and discuss his plans for the lot a 306 O Street. Addresses were discussed and the clerk determined that the address for the new structure would be 304 O Street and 310 O Street for the workshop. Feek motioned to approve the building permit application for the Pike’s additional single-family dwelling. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Absent. Motion approved. Feek motioned to adopt the One- and Six-Year Street Plan by Resolution 25-01. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Absent. Motion approved. Feek motioned to pass Resolution 25-02: Audit Waiver Resolution. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Absent. Motion approved. Feek motioned to adjourn at 7:33 pm. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Absent, Hill – Absent. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 13, 2024 at the Union Fire Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Junktion, and the Union Post Office by November 8, 2024. Charles J. Seyler II Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate