VILLAGE OF UNION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 2024 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the Union American Legion Auxiliary Hall. The Open Meeting Laws were displayed for public reference. On roll call: Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Aye, Hill – Aye. Minutes of the October Board Meeting were reviewed. Feek motioned to approved October 9, 2024 minutes. 2nd by Fritschle. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Aye, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. Claims and Accounts were presented. Feek motioned to approve November Claims and Accounts. 2nd by Ruby. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Aye, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. NOVEMBER CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS ACCELERATED GRAPHX SIGNS 782.00 AMERICAN SWING PRODUCTS, INC SWING SEATS 956.46 CENEX FLEET FUELING FUEL FOR VEHICLES 209.82 CLERKBOOKS, INC. BILLING FORMS 91.35 KIRBYBUILT MESSAGE BOARD FOR POSTINGS 1,524.08 Melissa Hansen OCT PAY 1,642.85 NE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE SALES Sales Tax 180.54 NE PUBLIC HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER TESTS 395.00 NPPD ELECTRICITY 1,281.36 OLSSON STREET SUPERINTENDENT WORK 168.36 STAPLES PRINTER PARTS AND OFFICE SUPPLIES 312.56 Steven Heyen OCT PAY 2,459.23 TOBY J HEYEN OCT PAY 1,158.20 UNITED STATES TREASURY 47-0540397 QB Tracking # 436452518 1,354.10 USPS POST CARD STAMPS 112.00 UTILITY SERVICE CO INC. WATER TOWER MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 2,973.57 WINDSTREAM PHONE 108.13 15,709.61 ASSETS Current Assets 211,964.12 TOTAL ASSETS 211,964.12 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities 82.61 Equity 3000 · Fund Balances 3100 · General Funds 3101 · Operating -4,716.29 3105 · Enterprise Lease 29,444.05 3140 · Park 16,369.04 3150 · Fire 37,801.86 Total 3100 · General Funds 78,898.66 3300 · Special Revenue Funds 3310 · Streets 70,812.08 Total 3300 · Special Revenue Funds 70,812.08 3700 · Enterprise and Utility Funds 3710 · Water 19,463.12 3720 · Sewer 2,128.17 3721 · Sewer Reserve 40,579.48 Total 3700 · Enterprise and Utility Funds 62,170.77 Total 3000 · Fund Balances 211,881.51 Total Equity 211,881.51 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 211,964.12 CORRESPONDENCE –NTR CLERK REPORT – New Parking signs were ordered and picked up. The clerk finished the draft of the Employee Policy Handbook to be reviewed and amended at the December Board meeting. Village Maintenance Report – Heyen reported 1,539,000 gallons of water metered and pumps ran for 369 hours. 369,000 gallons were dumped to the lagoons. The lift station processed 1,704,000 gallons. Heyen also reported that when he repaired the leak in the park at Larue and B St., he found lead pipe attached from the main to the stop box. Heyen is planning on installing Parking signs in the next couple of weeks. Fire/Rescue – NTR. Union United Inc. Report: The group is supposed to do highway clean up twice a year to warrant Adopt-a-Highway program signs. Hansen was due to schedule a clean up during October, but was sick for a couple of weeks and didn’t get to it. She is hoping that the program will allow the group to schedule a Spring Highway Clean-up. Old Business: The clerk is still receiving complaints about the “potentially dangerous” dog on B St. The dog has been staying within the confine of its underground fencing. The complaints are about its vicious nature when it rushes its boundaries barking and growling scaring residents walking by. The Chairman reiterated that as long as the animal stays on its property, there is nothing that will be done. If the animal leaves the property, it can be banned from the corporate limits. New Business: The mess behind the 108 Main St. was addressed. The junk has been piling up for months. Chairman Seyler has talked to the owners about what needs to be done to avoid nuisance action. Larry Hathaway was present as the ALA representative to discuss the mess flowing onto the ALA property. He stated a lot has been moved off, but there are still a few things left on ALA property, like a motorcycle and paddle boat. It seems a lot of the stuff has been moved around and some of it has ended up behind 119 W Main St. The Board discussed the amount of perceived junk behind the bar and that it constitutes a nuisance because it takes away the pride and enjoyment of the community to have to view it. There are few ordinances that address these violations. The clerk was directed to send letters about the nuisances with the nuisance ordinances that pertain to the problems enclosed. Larry Hathaway was present to speak on the ALA’s behalf about the organization and Hall. He is now a Trustee for the Legion Auxiliary and has tasked to be the voice of the ladies during this time. Hathaway briefed the Board that Nancy Crook has resigned as Union ALA Hall Trustee and is no longer affiliated with the organization. The Nehawka Auxiliary has shut down and wanted to partner with the Union Auxiliary, but had some conflicts with organizational staff. The organization has $375 in the bank and the propane take is at 21%. There isn’t a detailed accounting of the money over the past several years. Hathaway’s main focus is preserving the history of Union which has been displayed in the Auxiliary Hall for decades. He feels that the Hall has a lot of value and they have decided to make a great effort in the next six months to see what they can do to invigorate the organization. Hall rentals are down, and events that have been planned for fundraising haven’t been well represented in recent years. The Auxiliary Hall upkeep can’t be done on dues alone. Hathaway shared that he is going to reach out to the Nehawka ladies again, increase fundraising events marketing, possibly get a loan through the bank to get back on track with facility upkeep. He received a bid of $600 for an insurance policy and is asking for some financial help. There are prior residents with a love for Union interested in helping out with the property, but they believe with the bar mess, the property value is affected, and they are unwilling to invest until the nuisance is taken care of. Hathaway will attend the Board meetings to update the Board each month over the next six months on their progress. Ruby motioned to pass Resolution 25-03: Signing of the Year-End Certification of Street Superintendent. 2nd by Hill. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Aye, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. Ruby motioned to approve Olsson Agreements for Superintendent and Engineering Services. 2nd by Hill. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Aye, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. Ruby motioned to adjourn at 7:46pm. 2nd by Hill. By Roll, Trustee votes as follows, Seyler – Aye, Feek – Aye, Fritschle – Aye, Ruby-Aye, Hill – Aye. Motion approved. The next regular meeting is scheduled for December 11, 2024 at the Union Fire Hall. The Meeting Notice and Agenda will be posted for the public at the Village Office, the Union Junktion, and the Union Post Office by December 6, 2024. Charles J. Seyler II Chairman These minutes have been prepared by the village clerk and are certified to be true and accurate